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Everything posted by GTAIVCode3

  1. I think you're looking for Enhanced Birthday Listing 1.0.1. It will display a sidebar box on the board index and it will list the users. I don't see it on here so you might have to use google and look around unless someone wants to upload it.
  2. I don't know how effective this is but if you have your own site, you can place ads on them.
  3. Back from Texas, had a lot of fun!

  4. Welcome back! It's a good thing we have nice people like you who donate to WebFlake to keep the site alive so the members can enjoy a great community.
  5. To be honest, it really depends on what you want to do with it. I like using a desktop as a main computer because you can customly build it to what you want it to do. You can't really do that with laptops. Laptops are good for small stuff and it's mobile.
  6. Hi and welcome to WebFlake!
  7. Hi and welcome to WebFlake!
  8. Hello and welcome to WebFlake.
  9. If this is what you're trying to describe, then here: Open your boardIndexTemplate Find <p class='desc'>{$forum_data['description']}</p> and replace with <img src='{style_images_url}/cat_images/{$forum_data['id']}.png' alt=''/><br /><p class='desc'>{$forum_data['description']}</p> Now, open your FTP Client and make a new map in /public/style_images/YOURTHEME/ named "cat_images". In this map upload the images for your categories. Example: If your forum id is 3, name the image 3.png and upload it into the cat_images folder.
  10. I like that and I like douchebagger too. lol
  11. Hi and welcome to WebFlake. If you need help with anything, feel free to PM me.
  12. Hi and welcome to WebFlake. If you need help with anything, feel free to PM me.
  13. Hi and welcome to WebFlake
  14. Or you could just add a custom sidebar block into the board template. When I'm on a computer I'll post the template code.
  15. Hi and welcome to WebFlake!
  16. GTAIVCode3


    Hi Devin and welcome to WebFlake. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
  17. Here is the version on webflake
  18. Just download IP.Content. You can do a lot more with it.
  19. Hi and welcome to WebFlake. Feel free to PM if you need any assistance.
  20. Hi and welcome to WebFlake. Feel free to PM if you need any assistance.
  21. Hi and and welcome to WebFlake.
  22. You mean the box? Not the small round box that you user feedback is in.
  23. Hi and welcome to WebFlake!
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