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Luca Munich

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Everything posted by Luca Munich

  1. No, you just need to know HTML and CSS (basic). @Phun Can you add some social icons too? (Like facebook, twitter, instagram...)
  2. ACP > Customization > Languages > Edit Mark this option:
  3. Can you share your php.ini here (php upload_max_filesize)?
  4. I don't recommend you to use this customization. Your forums can stay very slow with this.
  5. Upload 4.1.16 files to your web directory (excepting "conf_global.php" and "uploads" folder) and go to /admin/upgrade
  6. How to make... Go to "ACP > Pages > Blocks > Create New Block"; In "Type", mark "Custom"; In "Content Editor", mark "Manual HTML"; Click on "Next"; Put some details and click on "Content" tab; In "Content" field, add this code: <h3 class="ipsWidget_title ipsType_reset">YOUR TITLE</h3> <div class="ipsPad ipsWidget_inner" style="border: 0;padding: 0;"> YOUR CODE </div> Save this config and go to index; Now, just click on "Manage Blocks", "Pages" and "Custom Blocks"; Add the block and enjoy
  7. You are a l33t? ACP>Customizations>Edit HTML and CSS>[F3]>"postContainer"
  8. In your "postContainer" template, find this line: <li>{expression="\IPS\Member\Group::load( $comment->author()->member_group_id )->formattedName" raw="true"}</li> And remove it
    Working in 4.1.16 Sorry for 3 stars, I can't edit the stars
  9. Try to upgrade your IPS and use default theme
  10. You can't, because every user in your IPS community need to have a IP adress
  11. Just go to your registration/login temaplate and change the code
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