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Everything posted by Humming

  1. IPS 4 passwords are hashed using the following function crypt($password, '$2a$13$' . $salt);$password is the user's plain-text password, and $salt is the user's unique salt string.
  2. Thanks! @modoprueba log in, and look to the left: you will see a box with an arrow that looks something like this Once you click it, the block management menu will slide out and you'll be able to position the blocks on your forum
  3. I'm experiencing this issue as well; it's actually the reason why I signed up. I looked everywhere in the ACP for a setting to turn on, or a hook to install, but found absolutely nothing. When I go to the plugins page, it says that I don't have any plugins installed. If anyone here could redirect me to a plugin that I need to install, I'd greatly appreciate it. Note: My IPB installation is nulled, and it's not from here.
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