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Everything posted by NikoCodey

  1. Hi, that's the old website, it was renamed to worldy5.biz
  2. Honestly i feel as their services cannot be trusted. They use a gmail account for support and their copyright states it's until 2015. Several page errors, so no thank you.
  3. Blazingfast.io - They're located in Ukraine and they ignore all DMCA
  4. You guys still haven't tried KeyCaptcha, they do work.
  5. If Windows Defender was that good, everyone would use it.
  6. This is mostly a plugin or application causing this.
  7. NikoCodey


    We're talking about a IPS forum here, not child pornography.
  8. NikoCodey


    That's why we (on request) will offer a CDN proxy to a client that's using nulled content, therefore the original IP address cannot be tracked.
  9. NikoCodey


    Why? We'll ignore all DMCA's for Webflake friends and France is kind of offshore, we even allow adult content.
  10. NikoCodey


    If you really like reliability, you can use my own hosting that i created, Hosting24.pw, we'll offer you support and we allow nulled.
  11. Umm.. okay? Nice profile picture by the way..... Welcome to the forums.
  12. NikoCodey


    What? That's very odd, never happened to me. Try emailing them or try tweeting them. Honestly they might've blocked you because you've been reported to SpamExpert.
  13. NikoCodey


    I use Stablehost.com, because they got the name from their quality, i never had any issue with them, forum online for 6 months and no issues at all. I'd definitely recommend you to get them, their support doesn't take more than 30 minutes to answer. They also allow unmetered disk space and bandwidth, just like you asked it to be. Cheers.
  14. You should get a host which offers unmetered bandwidth such as Stablehost.com
  15. http://prntscr.com/9xmays This happens after a while (every 3 mins) and usually a refresh fixes it. What can i do?
  16. If this is a DDoS, re-uploading files will not help.
  17. This can be easily prevented with AthenaLayer.com, drop me a PM.
  18. Yes, i fixed it by disabling "Posts Display Settings". Thank you.
  19. Hello. Since i implemented the iAwards that cookie monster uploaded, i've been getting this "Awards" thing under the post http://prntscr.com/9u5tuw Is there any fix for this bug? Thanks.
  20. That'll work too, i was thinking when a user visits the webpage, the loading screen will appear, and when the user refreshes, it doesn't appear anymore. After 5 minutes it should appear again.
  21. Hi, is there a way to prevent this from loading again each time your refresh? For example i'd like it to reset every 5 minutes.
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