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Everything posted by phillyian

  1. I'm looking for a good webhosting, with great performance. please post your suggestions below ;s
  2. Yeah I was already planning to but the thing is that I don't have time yet working hard on my own forum atm have to get everything + servers setup before the 4th of the month.
  3. How would I remove the webflake links permanently from the dashboard link menu thingy, as I don't want people to see that I've got it from webflake ;s Can someone please direct me how to do this?
  4. Sent you a PM with the admin privs Imma go to the Gym now I'll be back within an hour <3
  5. Hey guys, I'm using this hook: and basically I can't seem to remove the login steam logo/icon it adds right next to the login button on the header of the forum. Does anyone know how to remove it? Please
  6. well yeah, that would work but that would convert into ipb 3.4 (old ) i need it to be 4.0+ ipb
  7. Is there anyway to convert vbulletin 4.1 to ipb 4(newest version) ? And how?
  8. hey everyone, I need help changing this text ( which is white colored ) : http://prntscr.com/bj40zq to make it darker like black. but I can't seem to find the right location to edit the white code for the text which in this case is #fff When I inspect element this is what I get: http://prntscr.com/bj41lv but when I look that part up i can't seem to find the right one to edit. and then this: http://prntscr.com/bj46cv please help
  9. Don't let me take my cookies back!
  10. I'm the only one that's going to win this lads give up ;)
  11. Yeah it indeed seems like I'm the last one to reply :)
  12. Hey guys, As you can see on this picture http://prntscr.com/8n9q81 there's a link to all the forms, but i want that link to be removed, is there any way to do this as it comes with default when you install the plugin. Please help asap <3
  13. I also wanted to remove the second thing and that's why im asking ;s
  14. Hey guys, I've been trying to remove these 2 things from the forums for a couple of days and since it still doesn't work i'm asking it here now, does anyone know how to remove these 2 things from the forums? http://i.imgur.com/5aKiQuu.png Thanks in advance
  15. http://altislife.co.uk has done it ;s? does anyone know how to do this completely?
  16. Hey guys, I'm trying to remove these http://i.imgur.com/5aKiQuu.png but i can't seem the way to do it, Can someone please help me? I've seen other websites/forums having it gone. IPB 4 Please help asap.
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