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Everything posted by [ShockWave]

  1. That's the retail version, which can only be used provided you've got a license key. As titcrunch said, you're going to want to look at some of the nulled versions WF has available for downloading.
  2. Did you mess with your MySQL database at all? Double check your db credentials and make sure you're using the correct ones within conf_global.php. Additionally, try restarting Apache and MySQL as well.
  3. Five new, non-spam posts should get you back to the Members group.
  4. { Head over to your Admin CP - Customization - Themes - (Your preferred theme) - Manage HTML and CSS - CSS (Second tab) - custom.css }. Add the following to it. body { background-color: yourcolor;} [/code]
  5. Welcome to WebFlake, Nelli!
  6. I'm not sure why something like that would happen. Just apply the changes mentioned above and see how it goes.
  7. You'll need to access your forum's directory over FTP, and change the "profile" folder's permissions to allow for it to be writable, by checking the "Write" box, within the file permissions window. If you're using Filezilla, I'm guessing it would have to look similar to the setup shown in the screenshot that follows.
  8. As for PBBoard, I'll definitely be looking into it and let you know what I think of it, as a whole. ;)
  9. Hey there ^_^ Welcome to WebFlake!
  10. You would have to be a Donator -or staff member-, something that is currently not available, as the system is undergoing certain updates and changes. You do, however, have milder download restrictions applied to your profile when you're promoted to an Advanced Member, which requires you to have posted a total of 50 posts. In case you happen to have more questions regarding the site itself, please make sure to post 'em in the Site Questions forum, located at http://webflake.sx/forum/3-site-questions/
  11. Hey there, and welcome to WebFlake! Please take the time to read through the community's guidelines, in order to help avoid confusion and unfortunate circumstances. Feel free to ask questions, and utilize the forum to the fullest ^_^ Enjoy your time on WebFlake ;)
  12. Is your plugin fully enabled? You can/have to use a certain tag in order to hide content, which is the [hide] one, a feature that, apparently, has to be enabled first. You can configure what others can hide -and where- within the plugin configuration panel. For instance, if you'd like to hide a specific link, you'd proceed as follows, after enabling link hiding, of course. [hide] Said link goes here.
  13. Which version of IPS 4 are you using? You could try upgrading to a newer one and then installing the application again.
  14. Here you go. body { background-image:url("img_tree.png"); background-repeat: no-repeat; } Give that a try. Upload the image you wish to use to an image service site such as imgur.com, and replace the img_tree.png bit with the address link you get once the image's been uploaded. You can just add that code to your custom.css file, located at your ACP > Customisation > Themes > Edit HTML & CSS > CSS Tab > custom.css. I'd give you the exact fragment of code I used to use on my board, but I can't access it right now. Nevertheless, that should work.
  15. People have also reported issues when saving newly created user groups in 4.0.12. A fix for that is already out there, but, in my opinion, it's not worth the hassle. You'd be better off not to upgrade quite yet.
  16. You might need to access your files over FTP and chmod some of them, as this could easily be a permissions issue. I'm really unsure about it, though. More looking into it is in order.
  17. Are you sure your administrator permissions are properly set? Do you have full ACP access, and, have you encountered this particular error before?
  18. You might want to provide more details of what it is you're referring to. It'll make it easier for knowledgeable members to help you out.
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