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Everything posted by tempest21

  1. That's fine. I was just offering insight to what I have noticed that has happened to other sites. It's also happened to other IPB Warez sites as well. One option is generating revenue through Patreon, which is another service that offers creators to get compensated. youtube personalities have been using it for awhile as well. Mark Dice is a well known YT personality and after running into problems with youtube not allowing him to generate revenue for his video content, he uses Patreon to generate funds. To go that route, you could start creating videos that show people how to apply mods, how to install forum skins, template modifications and the like. But, thanks for the replies.
  2. Honestly, @Davlin, I hadn't even considered WF hadn't had a target on its back. Just saying that the minute ad revenue starts getting generated, IP Enforcement in various countries are able to use the 'money laundering' defense when going after pirate sites. But, you don't have to be Megaupload or Kickass. Megaupload was a file uploalding service, like the cloud and KAT was a torrent website, two different types of file-sharing services. Even such services as Shareazz, Napster and even Warez-bb has all been victims of IP enforcement. Even Webflake has seen its various fund collecting sources affect its donations, like Paypal, Google Adsense, etc. I had linked to a few file uploading websites and I ended up having my Google Adsense and Amazon Affiliate account suspended for a short time until I removed the links, and my site isn't a file-sharing website or community. I've been watching the copyright war for going on ten years now and all of my information comes from techdirt, Ken Popehat, the EFF, fightcopyrighttrolls.com, torrentfreak.com and many other organizations. I just happen to be more aware of the issue than most people are. The new revived KAT is even on the radar of the MPAA and the RIAA since they started listing torrents again. Just saying that there is an overabundance of caution when opening yourself up to targeted advertisements.
  3. if you're going to open up ad space to advertisers, then you're running in the wrong direction. By this, I mean the rules you posted in the first message, some of them, anyways. No ads for competing websites? No obnoxious designs? First of all, obnoxious designs is entirely subjective because something that is obnoxious to one person isn't going to be obnoxious to another person and you're getting into personal preferences. What do you consider obnoxious? Will you set some standards for when an ad is obnoxious? See my point? Second? No competing websites? Seriously? First of all, another IPB warez site isn't going to advertise on your site and secondly? The minute you start placing ads on your site to generate revenue, this is how so many torrent websites have been taken down, the administrators arrested and detained and forced to go through extradition hearings. Before you do that, I suggest looking at the cases of Kim Dotcom (Megaupload Founder) and Kickass Torrents founder Artem Vaulin, both who have had their lives disrupted and their respective websites over ad revenue for pirated content. Not even countries where file-sharing is illegal were enough to put a halt to these being arrested and detained on money laundering charges (what they were charged with to move forward with extradition hearings). The minute those two are extradicted to the U.S., criminal charges of piracy will undoubtedly be charged against those two. Webflake needs to be very careful about the path they're going to take in regards to ad revenue. I'm also just saying that limiting who can advertise on your site is not really the way to go. Placing limits such as "no porn", "no pharmaceuticals", "no ethnic-centric ads", "no black lives matter" and things like that are acceptable restrictions but to insist on no ads from websites who are doing the same you're doing? I just don't see another warez site advertising on Webflake and that you're also placing some legal liability on whoever owns the site. Before anyone critiques this post, this comes from keeping an interest in every article over the past several years that has popped up on the Megaload and Kickasstorrent legal drama that has popped up on Torrentfreak and Techdirt. Just read through those articles and you'll get the gist of what I'm talking about.
    Thanks, just downloaded and have plans on checking out this new theme.
  4. @Setup, perfect. Thank you. Removed it without problem and I repped you for it.
  5. Does anyone know how to remove the "Articles" header title from IP.Content/Pages? Been trying to figure it out and I've had no luck so far.
  6. That's cool. I'm still tooling with ti to add a sub-menu without the mouse-over, which bother me a lot about it.
  7. @mr-pimpen, if you're having redirect problems then you're not editing it properly. It works perfectly fine for me. Make sure you're remarking the right code.
  8. For some time, since I upgraded to IPS 4.2, I've been looking fir a way to modify the navigation menu bar so that the mouse-over effect doesn't appear. The current version displays a white area in the sub-menu area and after working around it somewhat, I was able to modify the skin template. This fix, although it's very simple, removes the sub-menu and allows you to customize the navigation menu bar and add more items as you need using html. Here's what you need to do: 1. Edit the HTML and CSS of your skin template. 2. Find the "navBar" template bit that is located under "core > front > global", (it should already be opened up under global, just scroll down until you see "navBar"), edit the template bit. Be aware that this is not in the globalTemplate bit. 3. Find the following block of code: <ul data-role="primaryNavBar" class='{{if !$preview}}ipsResponsive_showDesktop ipsResponsive_block{{endif}}'> {template="navBarItems" app="core" group="global" location="front" params="\IPS\core\FrontNavigation::i()->roots( $preview ), \IPS\core\FrontNavigation::i()->subBars( $preview ), 0, $preview"} <li class='ipsHide' id='elNavigationMore' data-role='navMore'> <a href='#' data-ipsMenu data-ipsMenu-appendTo='#elNavigationMore' id='elNavigationMore_dropdown'>{lang="more"}</a> <ul class='ipsNavBar_secondary ipsHide' data-role='secondaryNavBar'> <li class='ipsHide' id='elNavigationMore_more' data-role='navMore'> <a href='#' data-ipsMenu data-ipsMenu-appendTo='#elNavigationMore_more' id='elNavigationMore_more_dropdown'>{lang="more"} <i class='fa fa-caret-down'></i></a> <ul class='ipsHide ipsMenu ipsMenu_auto' id='elNavigationMore_more_dropdown_menu' data-role='moreDropdown'></ul> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> I would advise remarking the code with <!-- and -->. These prevent the code from being used. 4. What you want to do is place the code that appears in this step before the above code: <ul> <li><a href="http://">Home</a></li> <li><a href="http://">Forums</a></li> <li><a href="http://">Members</a></li> <li><a href="http://">Staff</a></li> <li><a href="http://">Calendar</a></li> <li><a href="http://">Leaderboard</a></li> </ul> 5. Save the template bit. 6. Go to the CSS tab and find the custom.css file. Edit the template bit and place the following code in the file and save: ul { list-style-type: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; } Remember to add your own site urls to the HTML links and you can add more links by simply copy and pasting the <li></li> with the html links. This works better than the Navigation Bar Links plugin and you can add as many links to the menu as you need. Additionally, this method also uses the IPS board wrapper and navigation menu formatting so that it belnds in with your site. I've tested it on my site with a test forum skin so it works perfectly. If you need to add a sub-menu, you can do this using the appropriate html code and insert it in the HTML code above. It's taken quite some time to find a workaround for the navigation menu that IPS created so I hope this works for everyone. Enjoy.
  9. Editing the copyright information is easy, just look for the "footer" template bit and the copyright information should be somewhere near the top of the template bit you're editing. Just remark the copyright info with: <!-- (copyright info) -->
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