Honestly, @Davlin, I hadn't even considered WF hadn't had a target on its back. Just saying that the minute ad revenue starts getting generated, IP Enforcement in various countries are able to use the 'money laundering' defense when going after pirate sites. But, you don't have to be Megaupload or Kickass. Megaupload was a file uploalding service, like the cloud and KAT was a torrent website, two different types of file-sharing services. Even such services as Shareazz, Napster and even Warez-bb has all been victims of IP enforcement. Even Webflake has seen its various fund collecting sources affect its donations, like Paypal, Google Adsense, etc.
I had linked to a few file uploading websites and I ended up having my Google Adsense and Amazon Affiliate account suspended for a short time until I removed the links, and my site isn't a file-sharing website or community. I've been watching the copyright war for going on ten years now and all of my information comes from techdirt, Ken Popehat, the EFF, fightcopyrighttrolls.com, torrentfreak.com and many other organizations. I just happen to be more aware of the issue than most people are. The new revived KAT is even on the radar of the MPAA and the RIAA since they started listing torrents again.
Just saying that there is an overabundance of caution when opening yourself up to targeted advertisements.