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Stevie Wallis

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Everything posted by Stevie Wallis

  1. are you on cloudflare ? if so turn off rocketloader
  2. this is what i have around line 382: /-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ADVANCED CONFIGURATION: MAGIC QUOTES //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- @set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); if ( ! defined( 'IPS_MAGIC_QUOTES' ) ) { define( 'IPS_MAGIC_QUOTES', @get_magic_quotes_gpc() ); }
  3. Did you minimize css or maybe put the css before the </body>? Rocketloader at cloudflare also caused this for me
  4. Do we still need this with the nulled boards? If so how did you do it ?
  5. Maybe i should look for a replacement for ip.gallery then... now the questions is does that excist...
  6. Is there anyway to let a user choose which categories he wants to see? for example, in the slider are mercedes, ford, opel, volvo and others, one user wants to see all images except opel. can this be done ?
  7. "According to Google’s documentation, you can send up to 100 emails every rolling 24-hour period when relaying through their SMTP servers." thats not much
  8. The site is restricted for guests but i try to find a way to let the googlebots spider everything. Right now just the parts the guests can see are indexed. Almost everything is nulled thats not a big problem right now
  9. is it ok to use this service with my nulled site ?
  10. rename index.php create new index.pho edit index.php, add text 'under construction" upload to server done :-)
  11. most all of the themes in the 4.2 download section
  12. Hi, my site is pretty much restricted so googlebots can't see much.. is there a way to allow these bots all over the site ?
  13. app - members - staff - moderators - add moderator and play with it download just use search
  14. for ipsfocus try this in your custom.css .ipsImage_thumbnailed{ border-color: transparent; }
  15. can you tell it was the middle of the night when i wrote that ?
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