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Everything posted by Sandakelum

  1. Would you mind if I use few of your reputation levels? Most importantly the last ones
  2. Look & Feel -> Manage Skin Sets -> [sKIN SET] -> Global Templates -> userInfoPane. Edit it.
  3. I'm a student, but I know how to get things done with IPB.

  4. Maybe Look & Feel -> Template Tools -> Recache Templates
  5. Send me the link to your website. I might can help. I need the link to check it's elements and CSS properties, so I can help better.
  6. Welcome, you're just about my age
  7. Story became history, and history became myth!

    1. Guest


      Well said.

  8. Rating: 3.5/5 stars Suggested name: Frozen Blue
  9. Using following function you can get a specified user's gender specified variables. For example... echo "Your friend updated " . IPSMember::fetchGenderCall( IPSMember::load( 1 ) ) . " status."; Will output... (if target user is male) Or... (if target user is female) In a shell... [*]This function is to be placed on your ipsMember.php (IPB 3.2.x+) or core.php (older than IPB 3.1.x) [*]This function has two parameters as follows... [*]$memberData - array - Array of data preloaded of the target user [*]$uppercase - boolean - In case if you want to use that on first of a sentence it will uppercase the first letter (e.g. "His topic just got a reply") The code... Open adminsourcesbaseipsMember.php and find fetchSeoName() function. Add this function after that. (You can place this function anywhere, but be sure to put it inside ipsMember class and outside any internal function). /** * Fetches Gender Relative Call * * @access public * @param array Member data * @param boolean Uppercase word's first letter? * @return string Gender */static public function fetchGenderCall( $memberData, $uppercase=false ){ $researchMember = $memberData; if ( ! is_array( $researchMember ) OR ! $researchMember['member_id'] ) { $researchMember = $this->memberData; } if( $researchMember['pp_gender'] == 'm' ) { return ( $uppercase ) ? ucwords( 'his' ) : 'his'; } elseif( $researchMember['pp_gender'] == 'f' ) { return ( $uppercase ) ? ucwords( 'her' ) : 'her'; } // Because mostly men browsing community forums, isn't it? elseif( $researchMember['pp_gender'] == 'u' OR !$researchMember['pp_gender'] ) { return ( $uppercase ) ? ucwords( 'his' ) : 'his'; }} How to call that? A few examples with outputs are below... ("1" indicates the user ID of the targeted user) "Your friend updated " . IPSMember::fetchGenderCall( IPSMember::load( 1 ) ) . " status."; IPSMember::fetchGenderCall( IPSMember::load( 1 ), true ) . " status has been commented."; Thanks for using best forum software ever, Invision Power Board! Keep up the great work!
  10. What you meant? I haven't removed any copyright from my community by the way, if you're talking about that. But I guess you posted that on the wrong topic... perhaps?
  11. Gotta love JavaScript right? http://bit.ly/YnS3jO

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Guest


      I did phun ;3

    3. Guest


      I should change Phun to Phuck.

    4. DjZGFX


      how the frick did you do that O.o lol. that's frickin eppiccc

  12. You gotta use that in template files, not the PHP files itself! Example: <if test="$this->memberData['member_id']"> <h1>This only visible to logged in members</h1><else /> <h1>This only visible to guests</h1></if> Thanks...
  13. That'll show whatever inside those tags only to logged in members, and it'll hide them from guests!
  14. Use following code around your block. <if test="$this->memberData['member_id']"> </if>
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