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  1. That removes the whole thing I simple want to remove the posts text after the number.
  2. Really hard to explain I have it highlighted int he picture below, I basically want to remove the 'posts' text after the number as its unnecessary. Before After UPDATED FIXED! I will provide a guide below for anyone who is interested in how i fixed it. In GlobalTemplate add the following CSS red marks tags that may need to be changed based on your css tags below. In GlobalTemplate at the very end of body tag add the following code. The red highlighted code may need to be changed. The first part is a CSS tag used to identify what the jquery script is looking for. The second highlighted text is the word its looking to remove in my case its posts. note that you will need to update you postContainer template file mine looks like the following. Yours should look like this if or similar unmodified red marks the CSS that you need to change the scripts above too. NOT THE ONE I HAVE LISTED. At the very minimal you will need to put a span tag around the "{lang="member_post_count" pluralize="$comment->author()->member_posts"}" part. Also take note of the class ID as you may need to replace the one in the J Query code it will be marked between the class='HERE' .
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