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  1. I figured it out. You don't need to go through invision whatsoever. Its all within the conf_global.php within your public_html folder. Given you have access to your FTP that is...
  2. Still getting the same "There was a problem with adding a server. Check that the server address (without port) is not added to the firewall and whether it is provided required query port" even after my hosting provider has opened fsocket... hmm
  3. Hi, I have an issue where i have recently changed my main domain name via my hosting provider. However my old domain is still on my forums and in the url bar. My hosting provider has told me this is to do with the forums and not them. After looking around on google n such i found the url is registered to the IPS license key? Is there no way around this? Or will i have to reinstall my forums again and put all the effort back into them? :'(
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