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  1. the post area is messed up this is how i see it on mine  http://imgur.com/cFvh9gA
  2. All my memebers are showing a Ip address anyway i can fix
  3. So you mean try to skip the profile fields? edit i just tried i have to convert the profile fileds in order to convert the members.Its no biggie, ill just stick with XF but thanks for trying to help me
  4. here is a screen shot of the error http://prntscr.com/20o5ah
  5. How will i do that? the only error i see is there appears to be a error with the database
  6. Hello, im trying to conveter XF to ipb. when i try to convert the members i get a database error
  7. just upgraded from 3.4.1 to 3.4.4 and it went smoothly thank god for no issues

    1. Guest


      Thank you god (:

  8. The Global Themplate looks the same, and i guess what justin said is true and some themes are modified differently
  9. Hello, i have recent status updates installed on my forum. on a few themes, people can easily, update their status using the side bar. However, on some other themes, it just shows the status but if somone wants to update their status, they have to go into profile. is there any way to fix this. take a look Status that don't work on certain themeshttp://prntscr.com/11q8sjstatus that do work on certain themeshttp://prntscr.com/11q8xf
  10. this can be closed. i change my mind and sticking with ipb
  11. 279 downloads

    [b]File Name[/b]: Invision Power Board Website Integration (IPBWI) 3.5.0 [b]File Submitter[/b]: wwetnagamer009 [b]File Submitted[/b]: 22 Mar 2013 [b]File Category[/b]: [url="http://masyita.net/files/category/20-ipb-34x-mods/"]IPB 3.4.x Mods[/url] IPBWI is the most powerful Application Programming Interface (API) for IP.board. Feel free to build own, unique applications and connect your website to your Invision Power Board. License: GPL 3 [b]Please note that there is a non-free WordPress plugin based on IPBWI which allows [url="http://ipbwi.com/products/"]IP.board integration into WordPress[/url] out-of-a-box.[/b] IPBWI supports to load IP.board's Rich-Text-Editor on your website to give your user's best experience by using the following features of IPBWI: [b]Member Management:[/b][list] [*]Create [*]Login [*]Logout [*]Info [*]Update [*]view photo [*]update photo [*]Delete [*]Number of new Posts [*]pips [*]icon [*]random list [*]online list [/list] [b]Member Groups:[/b][list] [*]View [*]Check [*]Change [*]getList [*]create [*]update [*]listMemberGroups [/list] [b]Forums:[/b][list] [*]Info [*]get all subforums [*]get category list [/list] [b]Topics:[/b][list] [*]Info [*]List [*]Rate [*]Create [*]Edit [/list] [b]Posts:[/b][list] [*]Info [*]List [*]Create [*]Edit [/list] [b]Polls:[/b][list] [*]Info [*]voted [*]total votes [*]id2topicid [*]vote [*]nullVote [*]create [*]delete [/list] [b]Private Messages:[/b][list] [*]getList [*]info [*]send [*]reply [*]move [*]delete [*]spaceUsage [*]numNewPMs [*]numTotalPMs [*]numFolderPMs [*]getFolders [*]folderAdd [*]folderRename [*]folderFlush [*]folderDelete [*]folderExists [*]folderid2name [*]blockContact [*]blockedList [*]isBlocked [/list] [b]Attachments:[/b][list] [*]Info [*]List [*]Replacing Post Vars (now works with Topic Lists, too) [/list] [b]Custom Profile Fields:[/b][list] [*]view [*]list [*]update [*]customFieldValue [/list] [b]Permission Control:[/b][list] [*]is admin [*]is logged in [*]is supermod [*]is readable [*]is postable [*]is startable [*]is downloadable [*]is uploadable [*]get readable [*]get postable [*]get startable [*]get downloadable [*]get uploadable [*]create [/list] [b]Converting Features:[/b] members[list] [*]name2id [*]id2name [*]displayname2id [*]id2displayname [*]email2id [/list] topics[list] [*]title2id [*]id2title [/list] forums[list] [*]name2id [/list] bbcode[list] [*]bbcode2html [/list] [b]Skins:[/b][list] [*]List [*]Info [*]Change [/list] [b]Reports:[/b][list] [*]getList [*]create [/list] [b]System Informations:[/b][list] [*]about your current IPBWI, Board and PHP installation [*]board stats [*]members activity stats [/list] [b]for IP.gallery Application[/b][list] [*]getViewable [*]getLatestList [*]getAllSubs [*]catList [*]info [/list]
  12. Just summited a file for the first time hope i did everthing the right way

    1. Guest


      well, add screenshots as screenshots :P not as files.

  13. Is there a way i remove the bar by the post area? i just want it to show the topic name and not the bar. this is what i mean see that grey line? i want that removed and i just want it to show the topic name like how mybb shows there topic names. look below for print screen http://prntscr.com/11jnib
  14. Will be going to WrestleMania 29 tonight in just about 6 or so hours. so Hyped got good seats too lowel level 108!!!

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