I am probably going to write one of my WebFlake Cereal articles about this in the future, but I think that Facebook (at this point) is a complete waste of time for trying to promote a website. Don't get me wrong, I am sure people have had huge success promoting on Facebook. But either these people have an extreme niche site, or they got into promoting their sites on Facebook before everyone was doing it. Now, Facebook is just flooded with sites, and really not producing any benefits. I opened a Facebook page for my site almost exactly 2 years ago. As of right now, I have under 40 likes to that page, and absolutely no interaction with the people who have liked the page. On the flip site, about 3 months ago I made a Google+ community for my website. Currently it has 5,800 followers. Many people share and +1 the posts I have made there, and many people have joined my website as well.