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Everything posted by JohnnyKing94

  1. I personally use Bitdefender Total Security. It may consume more RAM than others, but it is totally worth on security
  2. Neither of them... pubg needs a lot of fixing and goot anti-chear softwares... fortnite is just a free game full of raging kids... not my kind of community
  3. I have a 6years old brittany dog much doge such comfy very happy WOW <snif snif>
  4. Please share the new Villain theme of IPSFocus: https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/7622-villain-4x-ipsfocuscom/ Version: 4.2
  5. Did you try to cache from the AdminCP??? Do you have cloduflare active? If so, try to cache also from cloudflare...
  6. This is the path /system/Theme/Theme.php check for something like this: $calledClass = get_called_class(); if( $functionName == 'theme_core_front_global_footer' or ( $functionName == 'footer' and $app == 'core' and $location == 'front' and $group == 'global' ) ) { $content = $content . "\n<p id='elCopyright'> <span id='elCopyright_userLine'>{lang=\"copyright_line_value\"}</span> {{if !\$licenseData = \IPS\IPS::licenseKey() or !isset(\$licenseData['products']['copyright']) or !\$licenseData['products']['copyright']}}<a rel='nofollow' title='Community Software by Invision Power Services, Inc.' href='http://www.invisionpower.com/'>Community Software by Invision Power Services, Inc.</a>{{endif}} </p>"; } and remove the {{if !\$licenseData = \IPS\IPS::licenseKey() or !isset(\$licenseData['products']['copyright']) or !\$licenseData['products']['copyright']}}<a rel='nofollow' title='Community Software by Invision Power Services, Inc.' href='http://www.invisionpower.com/'>Community Software by Invision Power Services, Inc.</a>{{endif}} Cheers
  7. Hey dude i'm trying to find the latest iAwards and Group Collab... and they were about to be approved before closure... can you share them pls? really need to... thx in advance

    1. Tommy5finger


      You can get them from here 


    2. JohnnyKing94
  8. Can you upload iAwards, dude?
    Thx in advance

    Good release... Anyway they recently updated the app to 4.1.22 fixing the bug of unselecting the Assign Image from Field.... i really need it, otherwise record images can't be used...
    This is the version 3.3.0 and not 3.3.2... so it's still old and outdated... according to IPS market, the 3.3.0 is dated 14 January
    Thank you, i was waiting that
    Thank you Cookie... you're great ;)
  9. I always hated subdirectories, much better with url domains... anyway i've found this on their forum https://community.invisionpower.com/4docs/administration/pages/using-pages-under-your-community-root-r100/ I always liked to have 2 domains running the same cms (ips)... domain.com for my homepage and blog with contents by IP.Pages and the community.domain.com for forums and all the stuff Despite this doc linked above works only with the path of a subdirectory and not with an url, i think there is no way to do this at moment like it was possible for 3.4.x Nothing I resolved with domain.com and its own subdirectory with ipb setup... by the way i'm not the only one who wants this feature https://community.invisionpower.com/topic/410830-pages-indexphp-bring-back-subdomain-support/ One of this mentioned even the chance to add a subdomain for all apps... that would be beatiful... i would have calendar.domain.com commerce.domain.com and much more... i hope they will add in the future ;)
  10. Maybe I didn't explaing better... i need a page made with IP.Page as homepage of my site but not related to my subdomain... Basically |_ HOME = IP.Page content (main domain.com) - |_ FORUM = IP.Forum (sub.domain.com) I need IPB for my HOMEPAGE and my SUBDOMAIN... with the 3.4.x version there was this chance to export the code outside of the ipb installation. So i would have been able to load ipb everywhere i desidere. I hope I was clear now Thx in advance no one knows then?? :(
  11. But outside of my subdomain??? I was relating to that... i need the forum on my subdomain and the homepage on the main domain.. anyone knows how to do that?
  12. Hello guys, i was wondering if it's possible with the newever version of IPB (ip 4.x) is it possible to include page outside the local path of ipb installed like it was possible with IP.Content for ipb 3.4.x via path_to_ipb option (https://www.invisionpower.com/support/guides/_/ips-community-suite-apps/ip-cont/make-ipcontent-your-homepage-r273)??? I mean the code was something like this... what would be the new version of this code?? CCS was the old IP.Content, now it would be CMS for IP.Page right?? <?php /** * <pre> * Invision Power Services * Admin control panel gateway index.php file * Last Updated: $Date: 2012-03-05 12:33:57 -0500 (Mon, 05 Mar 2012) $ * </pre> * * @author $Author: bfarber $ * @copyright (c) 2001 - 2009 Invision Power Services, Inc. * @license http://www.invisionpower.com/company/standards.php#license * @package Invision Power Board * @link http://www.invisionpower.com * @version $Rev: 10390 $ * */ /** * You must define the path to your IPB installation here, with a trailing slash. * THIS IS A PATH, NOT A URL. So, for example if this file is located in the root * of your site at /home/account/public_html and your forums are in a subfolder * named forums, you would set this to /home/account/public_html/forums/ */ $path_to_ipb = '/var/www/ipb'; /** * This is the flag in the URL for database friendly URLs. You must have a flag here * (i.e. do not try to set this as an empty string). This also needs to be updated in * admin/applications_addon/ips/ccs/app_class_ccs.php as well. */ /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * No editing below this line * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ define( 'CCS_GATEWAY_CALLED', true ); define( 'IPB_THIS_SCRIPT', 'public' ); define( 'IPS_PUBLIC_SCRIPT', 'index.php' ); require_once( $path_to_ipb . 'initdata.php' );/*noLibHook*/ //----------------------------------------- // Get request uri //----------------------------------------- $uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] : @getenv('REQUEST_URI'); //----------------------------------------- // Does URI have /index.php/ in it? //----------------------------------------- if( strpos( $uri, basename(__FILE__) . '/' ) !== false ) { $myUri = substr( $uri, ( strpos( $uri, basename(__FILE__) . '/' ) + ( strlen( basename(__FILE__) ) + 1 ) ) ); } else { $myUri = $uri; } //----------------------------------------- // Does URI have db marker in it //----------------------------------------- if( strpos( $myUri, '/' . DATABASE_FURL_MARKER . '/' ) !== false ) { $myUri = substr( $myUri, 0, ( strpos( $myUri, '/' . DATABASE_FURL_MARKER . '/' ) ) ); } //----------------------------------------- // Trim off trailing slash, if present //----------------------------------------- $myUri = rtrim( $myUri, '/' ); //----------------------------------------- // What about ?key=value? // PHP already sets GET, but need to fix page name //----------------------------------------- if( strpos( $myUri, '?' ) !== false ) { $parameters = substr( $myUri, strpos( $myUri, '?' ) ); $myUri = substr( $myUri, 0, ( strlen($myUri) - strlen($parameters) ) ); } //----------------------------------------- // Sort out folders //----------------------------------------- $uriBits = explode( '/', $myUri ); $myFolder = ''; if( count($uriBits) > 1 ) { $myUri = array_pop($uriBits); $myFolder = count($uriBits) ? '/' . implode( '/', $uriBits ) : ''; $myFolder = ( $myFolder == '/' ) ? '' : $myFolder; } //----------------------------------------- // Set appropriate params for IPB //----------------------------------------- if( !$_REQUEST['app'] ) { $_GET['app'] = $_POST['app'] = $_REQUEST['app'] = 'ccs'; } if( !$_REQUEST['module'] ) { $_GET['module'] = $_POST['module'] = $_REQUEST['module'] = 'pages'; } if( !$_REQUEST['section'] ) { $_GET['section'] = $_POST['section'] = $_REQUEST['section'] = 'pages'; } $_GET['page'] = $_POST['page'] = $_REQUEST['page'] = $myUri; $_GET['folder'] = $_POST['folder'] = $_REQUEST['folder'] = $myFolder; //----------------------------------------- // Load registry and controller, and off we go //----------------------------------------- require_once( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/base/ipsRegistry.php' );/*noLibHook*/ require_once( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/base/ipsController.php' );/*noLibHook*/ ipsController::run(); exit();[/code]
  13. ​I'm using 4.0.7... i hoped there was already a plugin out there
  14. ​I'm pretty sure when creating the custom fields for the registration page you have the option to not allow the person to register unless those fields are filled. ​I'm not talking about people who are going to register, i'm talking about people who are already registered and a new field REQUIRED has been added... i hope i was clear in the first msg
  15. I'm trying to find a plugin which blocks the forum with an overlay and it prompts a message saying something like "you didn't complete a profile field". Now you're wondering why i didn't make them required on registration, well i added new fields since then which now i need them required for everyone, and the users already registered don't seem to be affected if they're not forced to go on their profile to add what i want.. is there anything out there like this? I hope I was clear
  16. I confirm... it has been corrected in 4.0.6... thx to everyone
  17. Everything is fine in the config file, i dunno why i have this bug... i checked even the voice home_url on db and it's correct, i use memcache and i cleared it with "echo 'flush_all' | nc localhost 11211"... MUST be something else I want to report that is just a portion of links which have this bug, not all of them... just the javascript e the attachments, all the rest is fine
  18. Like what?? I've wordpress installed and it's working... what issue could cause this??? I'm all ears...
  19. Already have... Here you are... I think it's fuc*ed up the protocol, like if it was deciding to choose between http or https... but ssl is disabled on ipb, so i don't know why http is missing...
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