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  1. You would be looking at something called an "A" Record. Depending on what game you are doing it for its a very good way on your playerbase to join. If the game has a server browser (CSGO, GMOD, etc) then its pretty pointless unless you have a super small domain and the games default port e.g. "joinme.tld" which some users might find it easier to open console and type "Connect joinme.tld". If the game doesn't have server browser it is extremely important. E.g Minecraft. having it as joinme.tld as it refers back to why we have DNS in the first name "To convert an IP address into something memorable" (youtube.com -> for example.) My old gaming community was heavily based on csgo, gmod and games a like. We still made the "A records" for simplicity if people had the knowledge on how to actually use it but 95% of the time the servers were joined via the server in game server browser.
  2. I use cloudflare for my websites. Its another piece of mind to have. You do need to know how to hide cpanel defaults if your host is using cpanel. Pretty cool website to use to check your domain is https://intodns.com it will give you some useful information regarding your webserver, DNS, MX, etc. The Attack mitigation is flawless and for it being free its crazy not to unless you feel like paying for a ddos mitigated service and do your own level 7 filtering. Find all of your webservers IP's and then start crawling google for "Free Cloudflare Resolvers" and using them to see if your domain is some how getting back to your host's original IP address. By default its easy to get your Original IP by subdomains, MX records, Port Scanning, etc.
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