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Everything posted by Bernard_H

  1. I made a example in paint. I hope you understand what I mean. - bold tekst are New topic's I haven't read. - pictures before title are profile pictures. - new topics on the left, new messages on the right.
  2. Hehe, I found the plugin and installed in on my board. It works, but I don't like the look. I miss the option that new, unread content is bold and it don't show how much reply's the topics have. It feels like it isn't finished, to bad because it could be a nice upgrade to my forum.
  3. On this site you can see a example: http://ipsviet.com I think they used a plug-in. I don't have access to the download section from invision power board, but maybe you can find a free plug-in? I think it will work both on 4.0.x as 4.1
  4. Yes I know. It's a really cool option, but not what I need unfortunately. Maybe you could tweak the script I post above so it becomes possible to add it in the side bar? The plugin also uses 1 block, but shows 2 tabs. 1 for recent post and 1 for recent topics. That's what I need for my forum
  5. @Cookie Monster Hmm, Thnx but that isn't really what I was looking for. What I want is 2 tabs in 1 block. With the newest topics and post. I know there is a plug-in for this, but you can't place that widget in the side bar unfortunately. The plugin: http://webflake.sx/files/file/2734-bim40-forums-stats-102/
  6. Sounds great! Do you maybe have a screenshot from the end result? I'm just curious how it looks before trying it out myself.
  7. And don't forget to disable all custom themes
  8. Alright then, if I just added it, other users should see it in 2hours +- ? Yes, you can check it yourself with a test account to be 100% sure
  9. Yup, it's a kind of security so you won't be able to click on your own ads. I got the same thing.
  10. This message will only be shown in the AdminCP. On your board the adds should display without a problem. Don't forget, if you make a new Google adsense banner, it will be visible in about 1 to 2 hours.
  11. What about WordPress? Easy to use and lots of possibilities.
  12. Do you have a 'sneak preview' about the beta? I'm just curious about some new options and would like to see them live.
  13. A quick tip; Your banners/ads aren't responsive. So when visiting this website on my mobile the layout isn't good.
  14. Hmm that's not a good improvement if you ask me. Think this is the only option then. Installed 2 the same themes. 1 with responsive on and 1 with responsive off. That did the trick :) Thnx for your response.
  15. Hi, I'm running IPB 4. And I was wondering if it's possible that users can choose between deskop version and responsive version when they are surfing at my forum on there mobile phone/smartphone. I know there is a option in ACP to turn off the responsive version, but not all users want to use the deskop version on there smartphone. So it would be great if it can be both, and users will get the option to switch between deskop version and responsive. Maybe somebody can help me with it, or have any suggestions? Kind regards
  16. Thnx! I already looked for a plug-in to fix this. But as you said, there aren't any available atm. But what you said solved my problem. Thank you very much!
  17. Hi, I'm running ipb version 4 I was wondering if somebody knows how I can add a custom link or Tekst to the footer from the forum. There are already a couple links like: 'contact' and 'privacy policy', but I didn't add this myself. I need this to add partner links from a couple sites. So if anybody have tips or suggestions to make this possible, please let me know Kind regards,
  18. Hmm, I can't access ftp at the moment. But when I'm at home I will check it! Hope that's the problem. Removing the .htaccess and .htpasswd in admin folder solved the problem for me. Thnx!
  19. Sounds logic, but I can't see that setting. When going to the security settings, I can only see 'recommendations' which I only can turn on.
  20. Hi, I'm running the last version of IPB 4. When looking into the AdminCP, I accidentally turned on a extra security, when turning on this setting it got removed from the settings list immediately. Now I can't find a way to turn it off again. The problem is, when i want to login in the AdminCP or change a setting, I have to login an extra time in a secured block and login again whenever I want to change something in the AdminCP. It got very annoying, so maybe somebody here knows how to turn it off again. Oh and to make things easier, I don't know how the setting was called witch I turned on.
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