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Everything posted by SkyDiver

  1. A warm welcome to the forum Darakath, Nice of you to join us.
  2. Hello Pimp, welcome to Webflake.
  3. Hello Alessio, Great to see you here, Take care.
  4. Hi Daniel, Nice of you to join us here, enjoy your stay here.
  5. I believe that you have to have 15 posts to be able to use the PM system, no doubt Phun will see this thread and deal with the donation. Good of you to donate to the forum.
  6. Welcome back m8, Enjoy your stay with us.
  7. Welcome to the forum m8, Enjoy your stay with us.
  8. Please note this file is NOT broken.   It CAN be downloaded.
  9. Welcome back to the forum m8. Hope to see you about more.
  10. Nice images, thanks for sharing them.
  11. Don't get one. Hire yourself out as a duster. lol
  12. As stated in the first post which is in the admin cp
  13. Had you read the description under xenForo Requests section you would have found:- As you only have 4 posts, you have got your reason why!!!
  14. A better explanation would help!! Are you using a download manager? If you are, turn it off, it screws up the download system as they us multiuple connections which the system sees as a complete download. WebFlake Members currently have a download limit of 10 downloads per day. Read:-
  15. Had you actually read the whole thread you would have noticed:- And had you followed the thread to the last post you would have seen:- Creating/commenting on another thread, to me, cannot be considered as "Contacting a member of staff!!!!"
  16. I would suggest that you read and digest:-
  17. Goto ForumsManage Forums (select forum)Postable SettingsFind "Enable Posting Moderation" and ensure "NO" is selected. Also Goto Member GroupsManage Member Groups (Select Group)Find "Moderate content of everyone in this group?" and ensure "NO" is selected. Hope this solves the problem.
  18. Are you by any chance using a "Download Manager"? If you are it screws up the system as it makes several attempts to download sections of the file which is interpreted as multiple downloads and then disallows any other download.
  19. Why use a hook? got to :- System Settings Forums Topics, Posts and Polls Look for Merge member's concurrent posts Input the time you require to have double posts merged.
  20. Not sure I understand your thread title but, welcome to the forum.
  21. Personally I use MySQLDumper. http://sourceforge.net/projects/mysqldumper/
  22. A warm welcome to the forum, Enjoy your stay with us, Any problems/questions please let us (& staff) know.
  23. Exceptional work Davlin, really like the way WF is going, thank you.
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