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Everything posted by Akkita

  1. Its another game based on lua scripts
  2. Have you ever tried garrymod?
  3. Hawaii. Such a beautiful place to visit . Its awesome to surf there. What was your favorite childhood activity?
  4. Hi szczurekPROS, Never met someone from poland:P. Hope you enjoy your already started stay . How experienced are you with lua?
  5. An Armenian Pastry. It's onion mashed potatoes wrapped in dough and deep fried :3 It. Is. Amazing
  6. Reached 12 Severely Active Garry's Mod Servers ^-^

  7. I was looking some forums and came across a really cool effect these guys did with their username display and was wondering how to do it 0.0. Here is a picture to it . Any help to this would be greatly appreciated!
  8. This looks amazing, could I get some help with this?
  9. I like wolves I know I already replied ^. But good luck @Saviour
  10. Could you please be more specific, I am having trouble understanding what is wrong.
  11. Hello guys, today I just wanted to share to nice tutorial on how to host a simple teamspeak server on Ubuntu Linux 64x. To start off you are going to need to have a unmanaged vps, with Ubuntu 14.x and up. 1. Login to root for your server. 2. Now download the server files needed to run the teamspeak 3 server. http://ftp.4players.de/pub/hosted/ts3/releases/ (IDK if the bbc hide works on these forums) 4. Now you want to extract the files using the tar extract command. tar xzf teamspeak3-server_linux-amd64- 5. Once you have extracted the files, you can get rid of the tar files as you already have it extracted. rm teamspeak3-server_linux-amd64- 6. Now you want to create a user with no login to boot the ts3 server. sudo adduser --disabled-login teamspeak3 7. Now you want to move all the config and binaries to the local area of the new user. sudo mv teamspeak3-server_linux-amd64 /usr/local/teamspeak3 8. Now you want to give ownership of the files to the ts3 user now. sudo chown -R teamspeak3 /usr/local/teamspeak3 9. Now you want to create a symlink with the init script so that your ts3 server starts on vps reboot or bootup. [code[sudo ln -s /usr/local/teamspeak3/ts3server_startscript.sh /etc/init.d/teamspeak3 10. Now you want to start the process of the startup of the ts3 server. sudo update-rc.d teamspeak3 defaults sudo service teamspeak3 start 11. Now you want to copy the code displayed as "serveradmin" password="%" because you will you need this to promote yourself to administrator. ~~~~Hope you guys liked the small TuT, If you liked it, please let me know by approving this post. THX
  12. Let me snuggle right on in :3
  13. Hold on I'll look into it, what is your forums url?
  14. I figured out what do. Thank for the help thought guys! Appreciate it!
  15. This works on only a slight number of skins, As they work on deflection, but do not work on Diversion
  16. Thank you for the lengthy explanation, but these setting I had on default.
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