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Cookie Monster

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Everything posted by Cookie Monster

  1. You putting that in code tags? Do you have any plugins or 3rd party applications installed?
  2. As far as i know its per user. So it will be international standard. If a user is from UK it will be D/M/Y and H:M:A from norway its D/M/Y H:M
  3. Admincp > customization >toolbar Drag and drop the spoiler icon to get toolbar @Misanthropus
  4. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  5. Glad he was of assistance, i can see why you posted it in Requests and not support. I have moved it so the user should be able to answer the topic now.
  6. Please try removing all 3rd party applications and plugins. If this does not work have you tried to upgrade to 4.2.6? The icons are just a CSS so possible check F12 Console in Chrome see if it throws any errors at you?
  7. Are you using any different theme in the adminCP or front by any chance ? Have you tried to log in to your AdminCP via Incognito see if its bad cache on your side?
  8. Doesn't need to give you an error. Just try CTRL F5 after you done it. Also what @Shu is on about is if you are using Data storage and not MySQL AdminCP > System > Advanced Configuration
  9. So it works now? If it does please use the checkmark button to the left above peoples avtar to select the best answer.
  10. I think its AdminCP > System > Advnaced Configuration. Set the Storage to MySQL (Atleast i do) and that way the path to Datastorage is not different. THOUGH you don't need to delete datastorage you can go to same location and change it. If its selected make sure the PATH is the same as you have for your forums i presume its incorrect hence why the rest of things are inccorect.
  11. Would guess wordpress would be the easiest way to achieve what you want
  12. In what way a full backup be restore? Sounds to me like a ha htaccess issue
  13. Well, the site you said does not exist through https://www.freelancer.com does exist. Its built with AngularJS on the frontend with backbone etc. You want a CMS for it then I suggest use Wordpress or Directus depending on how you want to build it. Personally, I would build it with directus backend and Angular Frontend.
  14. Admincp > system > support > something is not working
  15. Its over a year old and for 4.1 Click the link follow the text?
  16. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  17. Well if its a new install then i would just empty the database and reinstall it. If it has content then yes, you need to make something_ infront of pre-existing tables so if you have a table named ips_members_core then it would be something_ips_members_core if not just make ips_ first
  18. you need to make the tables with underscore when you install it (it will say install with prefix) then do lets say my_ the _ is the important part not whats in front i would say try do forum_ also i presume you mean 4.2.5 not 2.4.5 ?
  19. Or switch the plugin to And you have a working thing for 4.2 and same thing (just make sure to remove the old one before you upgrade)
  20. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  21. Just to add it can take up to 30 days from Google to remove your page. To speed things up you can read this guide here https://www.voog.com/blog/how-to-remove-your-website-or-web-page-from-google But in simple Terms, you need to have an account and added your page there. Then you can go here and remove the page / pages If you do not have a Webmaster account i don't think there is any reason why to add it if you want to REMOVE the page just so i say
  22. Unless setup in admincp under search engine optimization It will take the first image on a post
  23. Little bit of old guide but principle is the same https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/website/restricting-bots/how-to-stop-search-engines-from-crawling-your-website
  24. Here you go here is most info about that domain Both pages gives most information regarding that domain.
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