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Everything posted by Softer

  1. How to make Fa-Icon group manager ? Hello , how to make with fa-icon group manager ? <i class="fa fa-shield" aria-hidden="true"></i>
  2. Hello Vlad ,welcome back !
  3. I read, as hardly, unfortunately I do not know English but I understand what is in the regulation
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Dark Lagoon is the most simple and easy theme, based on Blue Lagoon
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Flat Forum Ranks , edit group name and save to png or other format , and cut image group to saved img.
  6. Softer

    Xenforo or IPB?

    4.1 ips is very good and present in all forums that you know
  7. Resolved , i was reinstall linux clear , and install vestacp ( vds linux control panel ) , and reconfigre ftp for ips 4.1.
  8. SFTP Storage Problem Greetings dear friends , I installed Linux ubuntu on vds server , and install apache2 , I want to connect a second as a server file , But it does not work out. Help me please.
    beautifull pack , thank you
  9. thanks very much @Cookie Monster
  10. Surface template have two mods , acp>template>forum nodes> i need "Enable custom icons for FA icons forums" for custom image (png) next steep < i turn on "Enable custom icons for FA icons forums" and save and reload next go to suite , and results :
  11. When you delete the custom image is the image of the surface dark Standard. what to do ? sorry bad english. add code in custom , no effect.
  12. i try upload new image (png) no efect http://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/scales_363064 When you add images to categories to subcategories there is no picture Theme Editor>Surface Dark>Forum Nodes>Enable custom icons for FA icons forums
  13. Surface Dark icons bug Hello, I found a problem with images in categories and subcategories to surface dark , who can help me ? Forum: http://nevexpro.com/index.php?/forums/
    Home > Downloads > IPS Community Suite 4 > Themes > Media Grid - Overlay Manager add-on v1.31 Wordpress plugin ! not ipb
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