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  1. Intel is still better but AMD it will be the mainstream CPU
  2. Sure, I cleared the cache. On a fresh install it not happend. That is a setting in the database, as I reupload all original files on the webserver.
  3. Try this. 1. Register a new member 2. Go in the database and change in the table "core_members" the "member_grpup_id" of the new member to 4. Now you have a new admin. 3 Delete browser cache and try to login in the admin panel with the new admin.
  4. Hello, I don't know what's happens but now, every time if I select something from the Menu, the whole page is complet reloaded/like strg+F5 refresh and comes a "Jump to content" with a white background, near a second. That's disturbing every time. How can I disable to open just in a same windows/tan Thanks
  5. That's because all these releases are not "nulled" correctly.. I receive mails from IPS that I should update because a critical exoloit on Commerce. Why knows IPS about my "nulled" board? There should all communications between my "nulled" board and IPS denied.....
  6. At this time IPS is the Nr.1 as forum software. Considering all the other very stable features, IPS is the most complex allround software.
  7. IPB support milions of users
  8. For the moment the most professional Software is IPS. it offers several very stable ad useful facilities, such eCommerce, Video, Music and Photo Albums.
  9. Why didn't try Symantec EndPoint Protection?
  10. Which Theme use this forum? I asking because I'm searching for a very simple and fast theme. Thanks
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