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Everything posted by Technologx

  1. Version 1.0.9


    DescriptionIPB [url="https://www.forumvolt.org/tags/responsive/"]Responsive[/url] will convert your forum skin into a mobile and tablet compatible skin using responsive design. By adopting this technology, your site will effortlessly scale to any device size or resolution without the need for a separate theme. Device CompatibilityA huge perk of responsive design is that your theme will automatically adjust to any screen width. This hook has been tested on the following devices: iPhone (3,4,5), Samsung Galaxy (S1, S2 & S3), iPad (1,2,3,4,mini) & Nexus S. Custom SkinsThis hook is built to support the IPS Framework (Markup & CSS). If you’re using a customised version of the default skin, you’re more than likely going to experience issues. Contact me in the support thread and I’ll help make your theme compatible. If you would like to try IPB Responsive with your theme before you purchase, private message me with your skin attached, and I’ll setup a private demonstration. IPS AddonsCurrently, IPB Responsive has basic support for all IPS Addons. Usability improvements and bug fixes are frequently implemented. Known IssuesIPB Responsive does not make your advertisements responsive. Adverts will break the responsiveness of your skin! Features[list] [*]Default IPS Mobile skin fallback [*]All themes by IPS Themes are compatible [*]Control which groups access IPB Responsive [*]IP.Content custom navigation & dropdown support [*]Shoutbox now responsive [/list]
  2. Version 1.1.0


    This [url="https://www.forumvolt.org/tags/hook/"]hook[/url] will integrate [url="https://www.forumvolt.org/tags/ip.board/"]IP.Board[/url] with [url="https://www.forumvolt.org/tags/adf.ly/"]Adf.ly[/url] full page/banner advertisement and redirection script allowing you to earn money whenever a user click on any posted link. This is ideal for people who want to monetize their outgoing links but can't benefit from vigiLink because they don't have a US based users and/or the "right" niche. [b]Features[/b] enable/disable integration choose which group/s will be redirected. choose which app to run the Adf.ly in choose which forums to change-over to adf.ly. include/exclude domains. choose between full page or banner type advertisementThis hook will integrate IP.Board with Adf.ly full page/banner advertisement and redirection script allowing you to earn money whenever a user click on any posted link. This is ideal for people who want to monetize their outgoing links but can't benefit from vigiLink because they don't have a US based users and/or the "right" niche. [b]Features[/b] enable/disable integration choose which group/s will be redirected. choose which app to run the Adf.ly in choose which forums to change-over to adf.ly. include/exclude domains. choose between full page or banner type advertisement
  3. I have this installed but it doesn't show any stats on mobile
  4. I have this installed but I don't get the option on mobile
  5. Thank you that also fixed the uploads/profile directory permissions too.
  6. Thank you what permissions does the uploads/profile directory need to be?
  7. I transferred my forum to a new domain name every thing is working except there's missing images and I get this error in the ACP.
  8. Version 1.0


    Display the new content counter on your forum.
  9. Anyone have the license key for this ?
  10. God I wish this f'n migraine would go away already I've had it for over 2wks now!

    1. SkyDiver


      It's not a migraine, it's your brain growing with knowledge. LOL

  11. Go to your ACP->Look & Feel then find the mobile skin you'd like to use this for. Click the dropdown arrow and click Manage Templates & CSS. Once you open this and the screen loads Global Template should be opened. Now you need to find globalTemplate. Find this ending tag </head> and place this code right above it <link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" href="http://technologx.pw/mobile/apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png"> <link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" sizes="72x72" href="apple-touch-icon-72x72-precomposed.png"> <link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" sizes="72x72" href="apple-touch-icon-72x72-precomposed.png"> <link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" sizes="114x114" href="http://technologx.pw/mobile/apple-touch-icon-114x114-precomposed.png"> <link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" sizes="144x144" href="http://technologx.pw/mobile/apple-touch-icon-144x144-precomposed.png"> <link rel="apple-touch-startup-image" href="http://technologx.pw/mobile/startup-320x460.png" media="screen and (max-device-width : 320px)"> Now change my site with your site url and point the mobile skin into the directory your images will be. Like I have mine in mobile. Remember this can be any directory you'd like it to be in the sizes have to be exact or it will not work.
  12. I received a email from Google today stating that they couldn't access my robots.txt file and it had 100% errors. So I was wondering if someone could possibly help me get it fixed? That's what I have for my robots.txt Here's my edited version I'm not sure if I did it right:
  13. He can't even do that he's been using my computer now I can't sign on to my own account.
  14. I submitted my site the the Website showcase over 48hrs ago no reply. I uploaded a file no reply. My friend signs up and verifies his account and can't do anything on this site including logging off. What's going on here?
  15. Technologx

    MyBB or IPB?

    I've tried MyBB & won't ever go back I'll stick to IPB I like what IPB has to offer.
  16. I'm using this hook (RC34) Youtube Videos In Profile
  17. I need to know how I can add my own fields to the user profile like dropdown option menu and textfield boxes. Also with the Youtube video on profile hook I can see the video when I add it but on my profile itself I can't see the video.
  18. Version 2.0


    This hook is used to Force member of your community to post their introduction in a particular forum. We can apply force on them by enabling Force Introduction setting.
  19. It's been awhile since I've used the ibEconomy app and I can't seem to remember how to add cashiers also I see a lot of missing images in the app.
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