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Everything posted by Technologx

  1. Yea, I'm going to downgrade to a none beta version. When I try to edit certain settings it throws me that error.
  2. Sorry, you do not have permission for that! 2S119/1 The CSRF protection key did not match. This may indicate a plugin or theme is out of date. Please contact technical support for more information. Is this normal for the new nulled software? Sorry I've been away from this for awhile and really don't know.
  3. Not sure what to say since I got this from Invision Powers website
  4. Have no idea as I pulled this from Invision Powers website
  5. Have no idea as I pulled this from Invision Powers website
  6. Alright thank you @Phun and everyone else who helped
  7. Well when users regiester that go straight to the members group I want them to go to validating then memers without manually doing it.
  8. How do I go about automatically having members who haven't verified there email address to be put into a validating group and be moved to members when they verify there email address? Like IPB3 would do when someone signed up.
  9. I'm beginning to think IPB4 sucks it's so flippin buggy it ain't even funny crappy thing is is that I can't downgrade

    1. Lady C

      Lady C

      What is it that you need help with?

    2. Technologx


      Every question I've posted

    3. Erza


      Better question would be for any IPB4 user, what is it you don't need help with.

  10. What happened to your avatar?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Technologx


      Well your new one is nice it brings out your beauty

    3. Lady C

      Lady C

      Thanks made that picture 2 weeks ago.

    4. Erza
  11. Turn cloudflare off and give it a day for the DNS to flush and try it again tomorrow.
  12. I would try because cloudflare likes to use there own methods for stuff like this. If that don't work try turning cloudflare off for a little bit and try it without cloudflare. Then that way you know if it's cloudflare or your forum.
  13. Are you using cloudflare if so it may be a issue on their end and you should try to get a hold of them. I don't use CloudFlare simply because of all the issues that is caused through them.
  14. Are you using a free domain or free hosting?
  15. I run into this problem after I create a topic and I check Facebook and Twitter.
  16. So it took me a little while to figure this out myself thank god for the updated version of Firefox. So you want to setup something like Twitterfeed or another site? Well look no further because I've got your answer right here. So you want just one category to export it's simple just do this: https://webflake.sx/forum/59-ipboard-tutorials/ <-Your main url https://webflake.sx/forum/59-ipboard-tutorials.xml <-Your feed url It's as simple as that good luck!
  17. That didn't answer my question I figured it out since I'm using Firefox it's the forum url just take the last / and change it to .xml.
  18. How do I allow RSS export I want a link to add to my twitter feed?
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