Hey everyone,
We are currently using a plugin that links steam profiles, but every-time we update our suite, we have to go into a file and change a line.
I was wondering if it was possible to simply create a hook/plugin that changed it for us instead of having to do it manually. Any ideas as to how it's done?
The file I'm talking about is system/Member/Member.php and the line we have to change is:
$this->profileFields[ 'core_pfieldgroups_' . $group ] = str_replace( '{member_id}', $this->member_id, $fields );
Which we change to:
$this->profileFields[ 'core_pfieldgroups_' . $group ] = str_replace( array('{member_id}','{steam_id}'),array($this->member_id, $this->steamid), $fields );