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Everything posted by dream

  1. if you could.. what Pokemon would be your starter ?


  2. if you can be a Pokemon for a day... what Pokemon would you be?

    1. Monkey D. Luffy

      Monkey D. Luffy

      Hmm.. I would be Palkia.. I want to control and travel in time.. I need to fix something really bad frmo the past :banghead:

    2. wurm123
    3. Phun


      Sylveon :c

  3. What's your favorite pokemon? :x


    1. Phun


      Sylveon, Goodra, Zangoose, Some other eeveelutions 

    2. Erza


      Mine would have to be the chubby version of Pikachu. :3 

  4. Hello, my name is Austin. I love being part of this forum :)
  5. awesome! Love it for sure! :)
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