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Rising Star
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Everything posted by Jeffrey

  1. I'm not sure exactly what you're asking.
  2. Store > Products > Create new product > Store & Price Settings tab > Purchase Benefits.
  3. Post in custom.css .ipsPageHeader { display:none; }
  4. Where does it say where the error is? It's probably a file size upload limit provided by PHP on your system or host. Check your host.
  5. One of those users has been assigned to a group that hasn't had its html tags finished. AdminCP > Members > Groups > desired group > check prefix and suffix Example: If the prefix is - <span style="color:red">, the suffix should be </span>, etc.
  6. The theme is from 4.1, where reactions were not added yet. You'll have to update the theme.
  7. Download and install the IPS converter into your new IPS software. Make sure to have your own forum software and database backed up and in a different directory than your new IPS forum.
  8. Your SSL certificate isn't installed or active. Using CSS, you can change the background of both. body { background: url("IMAGE LINK HERE"); } #ipsLayout_header header { background: url("IMAGE LINK HERE"); }
  9. Since you only have 20 users, you could just delete the private information manually. AdminCP > Commence > Customers
  10. @TO_ProLeague Your SSL certificate isn't fully installed yet or the forums is trying to load resources that aren't secure (that have "http"). In "conf_global", change the url to have "https".
  11. @Comendator Each member has to manually turn on status updates in their profile settings:
  12. The skin file is corrupt. You won't be able to upload it. Also, this is the IPS 4.1 Support section, not the Legacy Support section.
  13. #acpNewVersion, #elLicenseKey { display: none; } @jacdem
  14. @friska In "/applications/forums/modules/admin/forums/settings.php", you can change the minimal limit from "2" to "1" on line 599. Find: $form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Number( 'forums_posts_per_page', \IPS\Settings::i()->forums_posts_per_page , TRUE, array( 'min' => 2, 'max' => 250 ) ) ); And change: 'min' => 2 To 'min' => 1
  15. forums -> topics -> postContainer: Find: <aside class='ipsComment_author cAuthorPane ipsColumn ipsColumn_medium'> Replace with: <aside class='ipsComment_author cAuthorPane ipsColumn ipsColumn_medium' style='{{if $comment->author()->member_group_id == 4}}background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(15,183,255,0.2) 0%,rgba(15,183,255,0) 100%);{{endif}}'>
  16. Welcome Silver. It took you a while you get here, but welcome.
  17. No, I am not. The framework was worked on by a good friend and I for a few months (on and off).
  18. Hello, I've been working on my own forum software for a while now, and I wanted to some feedback on what needs to be changed. I have yet to finish the instant messages feature. I am just looking for feedback/improvement on the current state of the software. Preview: http://dev.evigon.org Please post your feedback below. Users (I hope to see feedback from): @Jrock @Lady C @Hidden Ninja @Phun @Davlin @Cookie Monster @Saviour
  19. body { background: url(INSERT IMAGE URL) no-repeat center center fixed; -webkit-background-size: cover; -moz-background-size: cover; -o-background-size: cover; background-size: cover; }
  20. #ipsLayout_sidebar { position: relative; bottom: 3px; } Sorry. I forget that IPS doesn't define the sidebar container's position.
  21. Using Ehren's tutorial on IPSFocus' forum. Nice! If you don't only want to remove the page header from the forum index, you can use to remove from all pages. .ipsPageHeader{ display: none; }
  22. The theme will be available whenever a moderator has approved the file:
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