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Average Sam

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Everything posted by Average Sam

  1. @chrismod Honestly I don't know alot about SSL, maybe you had in error in your certificate chain. Maybe you could try contacting the company you bought your certificate from, I hope their support is better and they will be able to help you out.
  2. How would I move these board stats down a bit? So they dont 'hang' on the forum categorys
  3. Sorry misunderstood your question, got a link to your forum?
  4. Run a SSL test here: https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/ Also clean your cache and rename your .htaccess file to something else for now, see if that fixes the problem, if it does, rename your .htaccess file to .htaccess and see if it happens again. If it does, post the contents of your .htaccess file here.. https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT203370
  5. Could you make a screenshot of the error you're seeing?
  6. Go to library.php in your cPanel. /public_html/admin/applications_addon/other/cp/sources/classes/library.php Remove the following lines. Line: 114 return "<div id='footer' style='margin: 0px; text-align: center;-moz-border-radius:5px;'>Powered By <strong>" . IPSLib::getAppTitle( 'cp' ) . " " . $this->caches['app_cache']['cp']['app_version'] . "</strong> &copy; 2009" . ( '2009' != date( 'Y' ) ? '-' . date( 'Y' ) : '' ) . " &nbsp;<a target='_blank' href='http://www.ipslink.pl/' title='Custom mods, skins, support and more. We develop for you.'>IPSlink.pl</a></div>"; Line: 119 return "<div style='margin-top: 10px; float: right; color: #606060; font-size: 0.8em;'>Powered By " . IPSLib::getAppTitle( 'cp' ) . " " . $this->caches['app_cache']['cp']['app_version'] . " &copy; <a target='_blank' href='http://www.ipslink.pl/' title='Custom mods, skins, support and more. We develop for you.'>IPSlink.pl</a></div>";
  7. You might want to mask your password, username and board url..
  8. The search function searches trough posts, not just the titles so it would display in the results if they search for it
  9. Just google: 'Redirect HTTPS to HTTP .htaccess' you'll find what you're looking for.
  10. You could also just edit your first topic and move all problems in 1 topic
  11. Just remove everything and use the code I gave you, you can add yours back after you deleted the certificate. I'm not sure how mod rewrites work.
  12. Clear your browser cache and cookies etc. What webhost are you using?
  13. Add a few spam checks to registration and disable email verification and use stop forum spam application. Let guests know they dont need to verify their email, all they have to do is create an account, saves some time and encourages guests to sign up, from my experience
  14. Put this in .htaccess, should disable all https. <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off </IfModule> Edit; Cant you disable the certificate in your cPanel?
  15. Took me 2 minutes to find this when using google. Using Nulled WHMCS has some risks associated with it. Ongoing security updates, modified code, and in some cases malware injected into the nulled versions result in the inability to provide security associated reliable hosting. In many cases we have downloaded and reviewed nulled versions that contained additional call backs that collected secured information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card numbers. Every once in a while we get a ticket from someone that has utilized a nulled version and has a compromised server. When WHMCS is nulled, support is not provided and it is immediately reported to our legal department. If you are looking for a low cost license to run a legitimate hosting or service based operations the cost of a single license is less than $0.53 USD a day. WHMCS appreciates small companies that have a limited budget but believes that security and data protection is important to any start up. If you are a client seeking web hosting and the hosting provider is using WHMCS, we have a few tips to help get you started. Check out Shameless Hosts. They find and list web hosting providers utilizing nulled WHMCS software. Another other tool to help located WHMCS nulled software is the WHMCS domain verification tool. This will allow you to enter a domain name and see if the software is licensed. This can help you reduce the risk of doing business with someone that is using illegal nulled WHMCS software. Regardless if you are a hosting provider or purchasing hosting services, nulled WHMCS software installation pose a threat. The lack of security patches, middle man attacks, and the threat of being closed down all make nulled WHMCS installation a bad idea.
  16. Well for a new project i'm looking for a logo wich contains a pirate skull and the text: Web Pirate. I don't really have any other guidelines at this moment, color etc doesnt really matter. May also be animated like this here: http://twpictures.deviantart.com/art/Pirate-System-186073962 Thanks in advance!
  17. Yeah found the one for blankrefer. (http://www.blankrefer.com/anonymize_script.html) Thanks!
  18. Is there a hook/ app or way to hide the reffer on all outgoing links? Like put http://blankrefer.com/? on links automatically?
  19. How do i remove the birthday form or integrate it with the main registration form? Example:
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