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Everything posted by Sybren

  1. This'll come in handy for some people! I used those animations before, but not anymore.
  2. Sybren

    IOS or Android?

    I love android. I'm just used to it.
  3. These forums have been helping me out so much for my website :). I hope some other AMAZING guy is able to help me with this last question :D

  4. Hey lad! Welcome to Webflake's Forums!
  5. Sybren

    Feedback Feedback..

    Yeah, I've been grinding these forums for quite some time as well and it's been helping me out a lot too! Keep it up!
  6. Sybren

    Feedback Security questioin

    I didn't have any problems with it my friend.
  7. Yea I love this website as well
  8. Lmfao I'm going to try this for sure :;D
  9. When my ex cheated on me -.-'
  10. Giving my ex a second chance I guess
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