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m000 last won the day on December 30 2014

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  1. beta 6: init.php change public static function checkLicenseKey( $val, $url ) { $test = FALSE; if ( mb_substr( $val, -12 ) === '-TESTINSTALL' ) { $test = TRUE; $val = mb_substr( $val, 0, -12 ); } $urlKey = $test ? 'test_url' : 'url'; try { $response = IPSHttpUrl::ips( 'license/' . $val )->setQueryString( $urlKey, $url )->request()->get(); switch ( $response->httpResponseCode ) { case 200: $response = json_decode( $response, TRUE ); if ( $response['legacy'] ) { throw new DomainException( 'license_key_legacy' ); } /* Previously, URL's were stored as http://domain.com/forums - this check here may throw a "key already in use" error if upgrading or setting up a test install */ if ( rtrim( $response[ $urlKey ], '/' ) !== rtrim( $url, '/' ) ) { if ( $response[ $urlKey ] ) { throw new DomainException( $test ? 'license_key_test_active' : 'license_key_active' ); } else { IPSHttpUrl::ips( 'license/' . $val )->request()->post( array( $urlKey => $url ) ); } } break; case 404: throw new DomainException( 'license_key_not_found' ); default: throw new DomainException( 'license_server_error' ); } } catch ( IPSHttpRequestException $e ) { throw new DomainException( 'license_server_error' ); } }to public static function checkLicenseKey( $val, $url ) { /*$test = FALSE; if ( mb_substr( $val, -12 ) === '-TESTINSTALL' ) { $test = TRUE; $val = mb_substr( $val, 0, -12 ); } $urlKey = $test ? 'test_url' : 'url'; try { $response = IPSHttpUrl::ips( 'license/' . $val )->setQueryString( $urlKey, $url )->request()->get(); switch ( $response->httpResponseCode ) { case 200: $response = json_decode( $response, TRUE ); if ( $response['legacy'] ) { throw new DomainException( 'license_key_legacy' ); } /* Previously, URL's were stored as http://domain.com/forums - this check here may throw a "key already in use" error if upgrading or setting up a test install if ( rtrim( $response[ $urlKey ], '/' ) !== rtrim( $url, '/' ) ) { if ( $response[ $urlKey ] ) { throw new DomainException( $test ? 'license_key_test_active' : 'license_key_active' ); } else { IPSHttpUrl::ips( 'license/' . $val )->request()->post( array( $urlKey => $url ) ); } } break; case 404: throw new DomainException( 'license_key_not_found' ); default: throw new DomainException( 'license_server_error' ); } } catch ( IPSHttpRequestException $e ) { throw new DomainException( 'license_server_error' ); }*/ }systemOutputOutput.phpchange public function licenseKeyWarning() { if ( !IPSSettings::i()->ipb_reg_number and IPSMember::loggedIn()->hasAcpRestriction( 'core', 'settings', 'licensekey_manage' ) ) { return 'none'; } else { $licenseKey = IPSIPS::licenseKey(); if ( ( $licenseKey === NULL or ( isset( $licenseKey['legacy'] ) and $licenseKey['legacy'] ) ) and IPSMember::loggedIn()->hasAcpRestriction( 'core', 'settings', 'licensekey_manage' ) ) { return 'none'; } elseif ( ( ( $licenseKey['expires'] and strtotime( $licenseKey['expires'] ) < time() ) or ! isset( $licenseKey['active'] ) or !$licenseKey['active'] ) and IPSMember::loggedIn()->hasAcpRestriction( 'core', 'settings', 'licensekey_manage' ) ) { return 'expired'; } } return NULL; }to public function licenseKeyWarning() { /*if ( !IPSSettings::i()->ipb_reg_number and IPSMember::loggedIn()->hasAcpRestriction( 'core', 'settings', 'licensekey_manage' ) ) { return 'none'; } else { $licenseKey = IPSIPS::licenseKey(); if ( ( $licenseKey === NULL or ( isset( $licenseKey['legacy'] ) and $licenseKey['legacy'] ) ) and IPSMember::loggedIn()->hasAcpRestriction( 'core', 'settings', 'licensekey_manage' ) ) { return 'none'; } elseif ( ( ( $licenseKey['expires'] and strtotime( $licenseKey['expires'] ) < time() ) or ! isset( $licenseKey['active'] ) or !$licenseKey['active'] ) and IPSMember::loggedIn()->hasAcpRestriction( 'core', 'settings', 'licensekey_manage' ) ) { return 'expired'; } }*/ return NULL; }
  2. m000

    MyBB or IPB?

    IMO MyBB is the best free script, however it can't compete with paid software.
  3. <center> is deprecated and shouldn't be used on modern websites.
  4. Valid condition for checking if member's guest is (!$this->memberData['member_id'])
  5. Your IP: {$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']} Should be Your IP: {$this->member->ip_address} because your version won't work when site is using something like CloudFlare.
  6. Use PDO instead of mysql_* Don't grab everything from tables members and profile_portal when you need only one column.
  7. It's not the best option, also it's not compatible with newer versions.
  8. 1. You can use nulled or original with license key. 2. https://www.ioncube.com/loaders.php
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