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Everything posted by GWAVE

  1. Text/font has always been the hardest part...
  2. Just some of my work. Some animated. http://i890.photobucket.com/albums/ac108/GWAVE-23-xDoWx/muky_soldier_sig.gif http://i890.photobucket.com/albums/ac108/GWAVE-23-xDoWx/gwave_bbad_sig.jpg http://i890.photobucket.com/albums/ac108/GWAVE-23-xDoWx/pacman_sig.jpg http://i890.photobucket.com/albums/ac108/GWAVE-23-xDoWx/jimmeeh_sig_gwave23.jpg http://i890.photobucket.com/albums/ac108/GWAVE-23-xDoWx/priceyboy_halo4_gwave23.jpg
  3. I haven't used it so I don't know how it works. I wouldn't even use it. I would create a custom intro page, have those files in the root then all the forum files in root/forum directory.
  4. I take it your don't have the full thing as the instructions are included in the package along with all the files needed. I will upload it now. EDIT: Here you go
  5. You want the Donation Tracker: That's the full package with the donation page and the featured goals siderbar hook. It also includes others such as recent donations.
  6. Well I added the instructions so he should do now lol
  7. Go to ACP > Members > Custom Profile FieldsCreate a new profile field called Skype or whatever you want to call it. In the box Topic View Format (see screenshots others have posted) put: <span class='row_data'>Skype: <a href="skype:{content}?add">{content}</a></span>
  8. Make sure you edited the correct boardindextemplate.
  9. Nice. I use the Custom Sidebar Blocks app which works a treat
  10. Some awesome work there. Those sigs are awesome.
  11. In this tutorial I will show you how to add a hit counter to your IPB website. This will fit in with your current style and will appear at the bottom of your board index next to Total Posts, Total Members, Newest Member and Most Online. Example of how it looks: Download the text counter from the following link, then continue with the tutorial: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/92751728/text_counter.zip Configuring your hit counter 1. Extract the zip file. 2. Open "counter.php" in a text editor. 3. Go to line 36 to find the following configuration options and edit them to your needs: // SETUP YOUR COUNTER// Count unique visitors? 1 = YES, 0 = NO$count_unique = 0;// Number of hours a visitor is considered as "unique"$unique_hours = 24;// Minimum number of digits shown (zero-padding). Set to 0 to disable.$min_digits = 0; If you want it to track unique visitors like I did then change $count_unique to 1. You can then also lower the number of hours as visitor is considered as unique below that. Just edit it to your liking. 4. Now save the "counter.php" file and proceed to the next step below. Installing your hit counter 1. Go to the directory of your IPB install. 2. Create a new folder called "counter". Example: /public_html/counter 3. Upload all counter files and folders to the folder you just created. Placing your hit counter 1. Login to your ACP and go to Look & Feel > SKINNAME > Board Index > boardIndexTemplate 2. Find: <li class='clear' data-tooltip="{$stats['info']['most_time']}"><span class='value'>{$stats['info']['most_online']}</span>{$this->lang->words['online_at_once']}</li> Below that put: <li class='clear'><span class='value'><script language="Javascript" src="http://www.site.com/counter/counter.php?page=boardindex"><!--//--></script></span>Unique Visitors</li> 3. Change the URL in the code above to match your website URL. 4. Save. Note: You can change the text "Unique Visitors" to whatever you want. If you are not using unique hits in the config file then change it to something like "Total Hits" That's it, you're done! If you need any support with this then please just post below! Tutorial written by GWAVE. Credit for the text counter goes to PHPJunkYard.
  12. So it's good to have the site back. Nice new name and layout. Great work Phun and Para. Just a shame I lost my 100+ posts of support answers, shares and chat but that's all good
  13. Awesome. Glad to be back Just a shame I no longer have my 100+ posts (answers, chat, shares etc). Nevermind
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