Hi mates,
As I changed my web hosting to other one. I uploaded the backed up contents and database.
After uploaded all the things I fixed the database username and password.
But now the problem is when I entered into any post that used [ Hide ] Tag giving Fatal Error.
Fatal error: Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed in /home/jbtnqksl/public_html/hooks/tbHideContentForumNotify_ad466f03447b82da281855691b5e2139.php on line 29this is the error
This is It. If I disabled or Uninstalled the Hide Content The error not coming. If I enabled or reinstalled newly It is giving the same fatal error..!
apart from that...
Ajax_Thanks_1.0.7 is also Giving lots of Warning and Error in the TOP OF THE PAGE
I don't want to lose the Thanks Count from database
This is It:
and the Last thing is Warning in the top of ACP System > Applications & Modules > Manage Hooks
Thanks Friends,
Hope anyone gives a fix for this