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Everything posted by Valentine

  1. 1 <3 (I've also updated the rules to disallow tag teaming)
  2. Webflake uses font awesome, however yes there are more. Phun made a post about some here:
  3. Okay, so this is obviously the code for your standard font icon: <i class="fa fa-archive"></i> Now, to color it, it would look something like this: <i class="fa fa-archive">style="color:#779EC5"</i> I believe, with the color code you want.
  4. Yes, though I believe you can color them too, I've seen it done. Not sure if color works on EVERY browser, but will do on ones like the newest version of Chrome and possibly more.
  5. Honestly, you're better off ditching images and using font icons: http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/icons/ Easy to install, flexible, professional. Use them a lot and they are great.
  6. Like the others said, they aren't going to be telling you that. It's classified.
  7. I guess you could say you got a...@Database error... Just kidding, of course. I'm sure this problem will be resolved soon, I've had a few issues like this in the past too.
  8. Version 2.0.0


    This hook will show the reason for the member being banned from forums. The reason will be entered on Admin CP when you ban a member. The reason will appear on PUBLIC SIDE (forums) when the banned members access the forums. Note: [*]Coded as a hook: NO file edit required.
  9. That would be the Advanced Tags and prefixes, we have it here on Webflake.
  10. Mm, I'll try downloading that again and seeing if I can get it to work, if it still doesn't work I'll reply to this topic. I might be a few hours just so you guys know. Works a treat - thanks a bunch!
  11. I've actually installed this in the past Kingy, however it did not work for me.
  12. 3.4. Okay, so after searching for the words contact I found a page called Error in skin_global_other This is the content <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function contact_admin() { // Very basic spam bot stopper admin_email_one = '{$ad_email_one}'; admin_email_two = '{$ad_email_two}'; window.location = 'mailto:'+admin_email_one+'@'+admin_email_two+'?subject={$this->lang->words['mailto_erroronforums']}'; } //--> </script> <br /> <h1 class='ipsType_pagetitle'>{$title}</h1> <br /> <div class='ipsBox'> <div class='ipsBox_container ipsPad'> <span class="right desc ipsType_smaller ipsPad_top"><if test="haserrorcode:|:$code">[#{$code}] </if></span> <p class='ipsType_sectiontitle'> {$message} </p> <br /> <p>{$this->lang->words['er_useful_links']}</p> <ul class='ipsPad_top bullets'> <if test="! $this->memberData['member_id']"> <li><a href='{parse url="app=core&amp;module=global&amp;section=login" base="public"}' title='{$this->lang->words['submit_li']}'>{$this->lang->words['click_login']}</a></li> </if> <li><a href="{parse url="app=core&module=help" base="public"}" rel="help" title='{$this->lang->words['er_help_files']}'>{$this->lang->words['er_help_files']}</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:contact_admin();" title='{$this->lang->words['er_contact_admin']}'>{$this->lang->words['er_contact_admin']}</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <if test="savedpost:|: $_POST['Post']"> <br /> <br /> <h2 class='ipsType_subtitle'>{$this->lang->words['err_title']}</h2><br /> <div class='ipsBox'> <div class='ipsBox_container ipsPad'> {$this->lang->words['err_expl']}<br /> <br /> {parse editor="Post" content="" options="array( 'editorName' => 'Post', 'type' => 'full', 'minimize' => 0, 'recover' => TRUE )"} </div> </div> <br /> </if> This seems like the right location, but how do I edit the stuff in here to include my own stuff? It might not even be the right location, I'm honestly not sure.
  13. I control f'd header, all I get is: defaultHeader which only includes this: <a href='{$this->settings['board_url']}' title='{$this->lang->words['go_home']}' rel="home" accesskey='1'><img src='{parse replacement="logo_img"}' alt='{$this->lang->words['logo']}' /></a>
  14. I cannot find this: global_board_header in my skin, it certainly isn't under my global templates...
  15. Thanks so much! I'll be honest though - what does this do? I have no idea how to even edit the banned page, or where it is located.
  16. Hi. My banned page currently looks like this: And nothing else. How can I customize this and make it look nicer with a custom message? Is there any hook/application than can help with this?
  17. Maybe my input isn't wanted here, however I will say that I do not recommend using that. It is incredibly intrusive. I know I would not want to visit a site that used giant popups like this that block most of the screen. Simple tool tips could probably serve well in a simple fashion.
  18. I believe there is a setting for this in the application. I don't have it downloaded right now, but I'm pretty sure there is a setting for this - just look for it in your Admin CP.
  19. Read the READ ME BEFORE INSTALLING.txt file inside.
  20. Honestly, thank you so much Saviour! This did the trick and works perfectly.
  21. Ah, I'm not finding fetch. Do you think you could upload the XML you edited to say mediafire or something and send it to me? Because I've control f for /* Fetch */ and nothing.
  22. I think I asked about this a while ago, but I'll try again in case anyone knows. We installed this: As you can see, this brings the profile feed to some ones profile, making it easier to leave a quick comment or to view some status updates... However, at least in my opinion it shows way too many. It shows at most 10. Ideally, I would like to change it to about 4 or 5, however there is no option for this in the hook. Do you guys know how to change it in the code of my skin so that it only displays the amount I choose? Positive there is a way, just don't know where to find it! Thanks everyone.
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