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Heroes Killer

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Everything posted by Heroes Killer

  1. _______________________________________________ edit 2: Nevermind, I uninstalled ProMenu and created my own menu using HTML and CSS.
  2. Ok, thank you... I'll try to find that code by myself. In a few hours I should let you know about my (un)success - maybe someone else wants to hide it, too. ______________________ edit: Yeah, I've made it! If someone else has similar problem,
  3. Greetings. I needed to hide authors (submitters) in IP Downloads, so that my uploaders could post files anonymously ( ). In view of the fact that I couldn't find on the web how to do it, I found it out by myself and wrote this tutorial in order to help people who has similar problem. I tried to find everything with what someone could trace usernames of submitters. Nevertheless, I could overlook something. If so, feel free to contact me, so that I could add it to this tutorial. ___________________________________________________________________________ There is an image included in every step. There you can see what do you remove in the step. Everything except the last step (8.) is configurable via ACP --> Look & Feel --> Manage Styles --> YOUR-STYLE-NAME --> Templates --> Downloads category 1. Delete submitter in file's overview. IMG: How to: Find the template called "fileDisplay" and remove following lines: <h3 class='bar'>{$this->lang->words['submitter']}</h3> <div class='ipsPad clearfix ipsSideBlock' id='submitter_info'> {parse template="userSmallPhoto" group="global" params="$file"} <span class='ipsType_subtitle ipsPad'> <if test="guestsubmitter:|:$file['file_submitter'] == 0 OR !$file['members_display_name']">{$this->lang->words['global_guestname']}<else />{parse template="userHoverCard" group="global" params="$file"}</if> <if test="canchangeauthor:|:$this->registry->getClass('idmFunctions')->checkPerms( $file, 'modchangeauthor' )"> <a href='#' id='change_author' rel='{$file['file_id']}' title='{$this->lang->words['change_author']}'><img src='{$this->settings['img_url']}/display_name.png' alt='' title='{$this->lang->words['change_author']}' /></a> </if> </span> <if test="filesearchauthor:|:$file['file_submitter']"> <br /><a class='ipsPad' href='{parse url="app=core&amp;module=search&amp;do=user_activity&amp;search_app=downloads&amp;mid={$file['file_submitter']}" base="public"}'>{$this->lang->words['viewmember_other_files']}</a> </if> </div> <if test="canchangeauthorform:|:$this->registry->getClass('idmFunctions')->checkPerms( $file, 'modchangeauthor' )"> <div class='pad clearfix' id='change_author_box' style='display: none'> <form style='display:inline;' action='{parse url="app=downloads&amp;module=moderate&amp;section=moderate&amp;do=updateAuthor&amp;id={$file['file_id']}&amp;secure_key={$this->member->form_hash}" base="public"}' method='post'> <label for="change_author_input"><strong>{$this->lang->words['change_author_name']}</strong></label> <input type='text' class='input_text' name='change_author_input' id='change_author_input' /> <input type='submit' class='input_submit' value='{$this->lang->words['change_author_submit']}' /> </form> </div> </if> 2. Delete submitter in categories. IMG: How to: Find the template called "categoryListing" and delete: {$this->lang->words['_by']} <if test="catusername:|:$data['member_id']">{parse template="userHoverCard" group="global" params="$data"}<else />{$this->lang->words['global_guestname']}</if> 3. Delete Top Authors. IMG: How to: Find the template called "downloadsPortal" and delete: {parse template="portalSidebarBlock" group="downloads" params="$this->lang->words['top_authors'], $this->lang->words['portal_no_users'], $feeds['topusers'], 'author', '', 'author'"} 4. Delete submitters in Top Downloads. IMG: How to: Find the template called "portalSidebarBlockInsert" and delete: <div class='desc blend_links'>{$this->lang->words['_by']} {parse template="userHoverCard" group="global" params="$item"}</div> 5. Delete submitters in What's New & Highest Rated. IMG: How to: Find the template called "portalPanelItem" and delete: <span>{$this->lang->words['_by']} {parse template="userHoverCard" group="global" params="$item"}</span><br /> 6. Delete Latest Submitter (lower panel) IMG: How to: Find the template called "pageEnd" and delete: <li class='clear'> {$latest_author} {$this->lang->words['latest_submitter']} </li> 7. Delete submitter in file (Downloads) searching. IMG: How to: Find the template called "fileSearchResult" and delete: {parse template="userSmallPhoto" group="global" params="$data"} AND <li><if test="catuserid:|:$data['member_id']">{parse template="userHoverCard" group="global" params="$data"}<else />{$this->lang->words['global_guestname']}</if></li> 8. Delete Files tab in profile. IMG: How to: Go to FTP and delete folder called "profileTabs". It is located in: */admin/applications_addon/ips/downloads/extensions/ It's Done!
  4. Thanks for suggestion, however, I think this won't be enough... Because of security and administrating. Isn't possible just deleting some code that is displaying the author?
  5. Hello. Is there some way how to hide author (submitter) of downloads? I just want my uploaders to upload anonymously. Thanks in advance.
  6. And which would you like to see? GlobalTemplate? I can upload it. Of course but I am really new to IPB and don't know it's structure. In phpBB I was used to find it in specific directories (styles ---> XYZ ---> templates ---> header.php [for example]). In IPB, I can not find even style's directory (in FTP). _________________________________________________________ edit: Okay, I've finally found that place (under header, above UB - see the picture). If anyone else has similar problem, he could find it here: url({style_images_url}/backgrounds/background4.jpg);'></span> </div></div></div></if> // HERE IS THE PLACE <div id='user_bar' class='clearfix'> HOWEVER, I still can't find the way ProMenu is integrated into site. There are some templates but I doubt it's integrating externally. In my opinion, the key has to be somewhere in the GlobalTemplate.
  7. Well, I've been already looking at it but I found nothing useful - it has it's own templates etc... Nevermind, it doesn't have to concern ProMenu only - some advice how to change position of original primary navigation (it's in the right upper corner) would be enough. I have not much experience with IPB yet and can't fully understand it's structure.
  8. Nobody knows? It would suffice just put primary navigation under header.
  9. Hmm... according to necessity for making multiple pages and huge amount of posts... don't you test some automatic SPAM plugin that will BAN us all?
  10. Greetings. I have a little problem with ProMenu plugin. I want it to appear under header but whatever I set, it appears wrong. For more details please see the screenshot below. http://img.centerofwarez.cz/subdom/img/image.php?di=5QBU IPB version: 3.4.6 Skin: Snapshot Thanks in advance edit: If you don't know the answer, just tell me, how to put there default primary navigation (not ProMenu). I think it will suffice to move some code in ipb_styles.css, but I am not sure which lines.
  11. Wow, another feature I hadn't noticed. Thank you!
  12. Test: Uhh, sorry for that. Normally I use ;-) and I couldn't find it in smilies, therefore I thought it does not exist. ^^
  13. Heroes Killer

    Feedback ;-) Smile

    Greetings. It's just a little insignificant problem but I noticed there is no winking emoticon [ ;-) ]. It's a pitty, I use it very often.
  14. Totally agree, as far as it will be able to be downloaded, it is undoubtly going to be nulled. The bad thing on it is the fact that no modifications / hooks will work in the new version, therefore all the current nulled content will be unusable. I hope that modders will fix it as soon as possible. Yes, it is. According to IPS there should be no serious problems during upgrade. However, as I wrote, all the current mods will be unusable, therefore I recommend to wait until moders will fix it. ;-)
  15. Greetings. I am from Czech Republic (the middle Europe), therefore I've been traveling across the Europe. My favourite country is definitely Italia, and this is because of lot of reasons... Enviroment, lot of historical sights,... Local life - energetic (life is life) Italians, Italians, Italians,... I LOVE Italian girls <3 At the beginning of this July, I gonna visit it again, specifically Firenze (Florence). My dream is visiting New Zealand but it is truly expensive, therefore I hope one day I'll save up for it and live there at least 2-3 monts, discovering all the nature of NZ.
  16. Greetings. My nickname is Heroes Killer and I've just joined your awesome site. My english is not as good as I'd wish, therefore I hope you'll be patient with me. As far as my hobbies are concerned, I love music (mostly classical - Beethoven, Chopin, Wagner, Mozart,...) and playing the piano. - - - Heroes Killer - - - P.S.: Don't worry, I've read both rules and FAQ. ^^
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