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  1. I just tried out XF after using IPB and VB of past. XF definitely has the most social media friendly options if you're in to that.
  2. Question about XenForo functionality. Is there a way to create a subforum where users can only see their own created topics/threads?
  3. Okay I'll keep that in mind. Thank you VERY much everyone. I appreciate you guys taking a look for me.
  4. Found out that the field is field_11. I edited userInfoPane as advised above. This is the result. ----------------------------------------- edit: Okay so with the help of Lock Down's post, I was able to determine that the following were the lines that displayed user rank/titles: <if test="membertitle:|:$author['member_title']"> <p class='desc member_title'>{$author['member_title']}</p> I replaced the second line with: <p class='desc member_title'>{$author['field_11']}</p> And it seems to work. Is there any issues with this way? I'm not a programmer/coder by any means so I'm unsure if this causes any other problems elsewhere or is inefficient. Thank you all so far.
  5. The area highlighted by red is where the current "User Rank" (Member Title) goes. I believe the default user rank is "Newbie" but I've changed it to "New Member." I made a custom field in Admin CP called Summoner Name with the 'key' called 'ign.' It shows up on profile as above. I want the 'user rank' field to be the custom field 'Summoner Name' as above. I've posted my userInfoPane above in hopes that someone can tell me where to edit without messing up too horribly. Thank you very much in advance again. More information: Board Version: IP.Board 3.4.5 Skin: http://webflake.net/files/file/1087-rip-villain/ Website: http://anonym.to/?http://lolchicago.com/forums
  6. I searched for a bit but couldn't find an answer for this. For my small website, user titles are meaningless. I wanted to instead show a custom field. The field key is "ign". This field is also required so there is no risk of someone not having it. I'm unsure how to do this without messing up. If anyone could help out, I'd appreciate it. The following is my userinfopane: Thank you for any help in advance.
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