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Everything posted by xtreme

  1. After some changes in the userinfopanel, showcard etc the signatures were smaller and a bit to the left and not center but I solved it using <center></center> with html
  2. Hi i was changing my userinfo annd now the signatures are smaller and dont seem to be centred this is the website: www.xtreme-cm.org
  3. Just did a test and paused cloudflare and seems like its faster don't know why tough
  4. My forum is loading really slow someone told me it was from the sql from my host so i changed host and the same is happening when i go to a page in the admincp i have to wait a couple of seconds to see the menus because they dont dropdown and in the look and feel area for example the menus for each skins are all open
  5. Done! by the way if a forum is loading like slow whats the problem? i have tested in performance mode and the same happens
  6. I just changed the skin a few minutes ago maybe cache? Can you see the skin now?
  7. How can I remove that box on the left of the text boxe and take the block of the pages to the right
  8. I have sent you a PM about this thanks.
  9. For some reason my forum shows up like this with the "Bans'>" etc
  10. I have "show forum" in all in the categorys
  11. Im getting the error 404 on my forum if someone is not logged in if they go to a thread they get that error
  12. Hi, im having a problem the online now just shows the users for example my name is xtreme and im the only one showing in the foooter online but there are actualy more users online and they also see only themself in the footer
  13. Its a second faster but it still shows il have to talk with the host if there is no other way to fix it
  14. My ipboard is like slow when making a topic or editing it shows the bbcode if you are editing and then aftter 5sec it goes back to normal without the: [code] [/code] but other than that its really fast so don't know what it is.
  15. do you have a price for it already?
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