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Everything posted by Klique

  1. Hello, Any one know of any free chat webapp that can be installed on a hosting server? Seeking one that is free.
  2. I guess i'm a little too late to this party, but Wordpress has some plugins that can turn it into an actual social community, one of those are buddypress https://wordpress.org/plugins/buddypress/
  3. Thanks for the info just realized the host has not upgraded from V7.4
  4. I'm trying to upgrade to the latest version but I keep getting this error Call to undefined method IPS\Xml\XMLReader::safeOpen()EX0 https://imgur.com/zxSjpWN UnderflowException: lang_not_exists__health_system_log_title (0) #0 /applications/core/modules/admin/support/support.php(1294): IPS\_Lang->get('health_system_l...') #1 /applications/core/modules/admin/support/support.php(67): IPS\core\modules\admin\support\_support->getLogChart() #2 /system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(101): IPS\core\modules\admin\support\_support->manage() #3 /applications/core/modules/admin/support/support.php(48): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #4 /system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(152): IPS\core\modules\admin\support\_support->execute() #5 /admin/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #6 {main} how do I fix this?
  5. Update post I found a solution some at some other site basically go to your conf_global.php file and set the PHP variable base_url to https, that's if your website is has he secured cert installed
  6. I doubt the host would be the issue, seems like web address isn't pointing to the admin folder, did you change the name to access the admin cp?
  7. Any one solved this? I have the same issue also
  8. I do both, netflix is "me time" if i'm going on a movie date then you know that the cinema is where it's at
  9. Is there any application that will allow the displaying of a topic when it is posted in the chatbox?
  10. This is an ENGLISH ONLY forum in order to be assisted use https://translate.google.com Moderators will remove your post
  11. Use 7.1 It should work.
  12. i'll try to figure it out I think this should do it
  13. Can i be pointed into the direction of a plugin/app that causes a member to see links after a specific number of posts?
  14. Seems like your website is set to offline
  15. Klique

    Custom Rom

    Anyone here running a custom rom on your android phone? If yes how has been the experience and what do you love about your custom rom?
  16. It's kinda sorta detective mixed with some supernatural kinda theme, i've watched all the episodes so far and waiting patiently on what is to come... its an interesting storyline though it might be twisted a bit.
  17. This didn't work Edit: After a few attempts this worked
  18. After upgrade I get this error
  19. Lol the winner is.... not me because someone will post next
  20. Klique

    Mac or Windows

    Well i'm a windows person ever since I bought my first computer, but now I have managed to run hackintosh on my windows laptop so i'm testing this mac thing
  21. I'm recommend smadav, It's very good i've used it in the past on laptops and desktops that I format, I was introduced to it some time ago by a friend
  22. Thanks It was the Spam Service :). I will keep my site updated
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