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  1. Nevermind i fixed The problem was in Staff online hook , when i deleted group , administrator group was still in staff online sidebar , that was the reason for error I went to acp and just put it there again and it worked Marked , you can move this topic
  2. I just don't know what happened http://screencast.com/t/nWMn2xDthLkT My friend told me that administrator group has no permissions , lock , and so on So i went to the acp , and deleted that group , and made new one and i set Base new group on... Right hand group But , when i created this appeared http://screencast.com/t/zjFnWfoXd I clicked Yes set up the restrictions and appeared http://screencast.com/t/B4Hbvv8uPNGU I left that window open and i went to refresh board index page , but this appeared http://screencast.com/t/nWMn2xDthLkT Please help , if i could somehow undo what i did .. P.S. I still have access to ACP Here's the full error report from ./cache/sql_error_log... http://pastebin.com/R76Lmksa
  3. Nevermind , i got it , thank you for you're help aldo it was wasting time for you but i'm glad you helped me , thanks Marked .
  4. But now he has 3,476 he didn't have that much posts , i think that i transfered all guest posts into his account not just his
  5. I did both of them and it says Query executed successfully But when i go and refresh index it still shows that "Kopakabana1" has 0 posts , likes and else.
  6. Here's the most of ss when error appears http://screencast.com/t/ZgUTUEboTmk
  7. Appears to be error Results: Manual Query - posts Error Table 'explosio_testament.posts' doesn't exist explosio_testament.posts , i think that Testament was old administrator , also deleted him self ...
  8. You're support is best , thank you webflake :)

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