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Everything posted by Blog2Show

  1. Hello I would like to know how can i edit page navigation that is under header? I would like to add links in there: http://prntscr.com/39h9tr Hope anyone understand
  2. Blog2Show


    Welcome to WF mate!
  3. Is this a tutorial or what? What we have to do in it? There is no code in our existing templates that you are telling us to find. Please be clear
  4. I'll suggest you desktop too
  5. Hello, I have installed a new IPB 3.4.6 Installed Brave skin But my problem is the user's colour is not displaying in index or anywhere. I have installed groupNameIndicator so the colour displays in legends: http://prntscr.com/38h2kp But how can i display on index sidebars in topics etc? - SIDEBAR: http://prntscr.com/38h2v8 - THREADLIST: http://prntscr.com/38h36s - TOPIC VIEWING: http://prntscr.com/38h3g7 any help,ideas will be greatlyappreciated
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