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How do I make the Forums appear at And what about the other apps?
Download /public_html/admin/applications/forums/extensions/furlTemplates.php and make a copy of it.
Open one copy of that file, and in it, replace each instance of index with forums or the name that you prefer.
Then save the file, and upload it to replace the original at the location specified in step 1.
Go to the ACP > System [tab] > My Control Panel > My Dashboard, where there should now be a message that the FURL Cache needs to be rebuilt, along with a link that can be clicked to do just that. Click the link to rebuild the FURL Cache.
Repeat steps 1 through 4 for any other app you wish to customize the name in the URL for, except with accordance to the particular app being adjusted for (e.g. in step 1, go to the location of the FURL template for that particular app rather than the FURL template for the forums).