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Everything posted by BlueSkiLLz

  1. http://www.solidfiles.com/d/30ac30b580/.htaccess This is my ..htaccess use this and reply if his work
  2. Hello Phun , nice to meet you!.
  3. You can use search on google and you find a nulled facebook . wtf nice price $99.00 Edit : I pm you with a nulled facebook
  4. Hi! How setting up SEO? Because my site can not be see on google with a simple search. I think is about SEO i setting up wrong or I don't know. But how setting up SEO?
  5. http://www.ipvoid.com/scan/ Yes, but why my site not showing in google search? I don't find my forum on google..
  6. I do not know how I got the blacklist first I remove the domain from b.barracudacentral.org and now I am on APEWS.ORG, i dont know why i am here. On this website http://mxtoolbox.com/SuperTool.aspx?action=blacklist%3a89.39.12.4&run=toolpage is not on blacklist but my forum is not on google. But here http://www.blacklistalert.org/ wiht this ip is on apews.org My forum is not on google with a simple search http://lmgtfy.com/?q=only-ph.info Can someone help me how remove my domain from black list?
  7. Hi! I install this and I save have black page appears, This is my setting on adding server After i click on SAVE Why have a blank page? In Manage Servers > Управление серверами i dont have nothing
  8. Hi! How can remove quest message , because I have hook Quest Message and have 2 message for register, I want remove first message default.
  9. I can PM you? Where I see this effect...
  10. It working this but the effect :-s if a i go with my mouse on partners list his change.. how is on picture
  11. Hi! I have the parteners but i dont know how add this red and this effect, if go with my mouse where is partners his change If i dont have mouse on If i have mouse on My question is how add this red and effect?
  12. The problem i see is on all skin , not only animate. Look again here:
  13. From here I change with another skin but again this problem Is on all button.
  14. I have animte skin but a button is not like a default skin How see on my forum : How to be see: If i change skin on forum , have this blue color of all skin. I dont know why have this blue?
  15. It work but i have a problem , he see with white color
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