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Everything posted by Lahori_Munda

  1. Always use CloudFlare free of cost.
  2. I am also adding a site in dofollow but still getting nofollow link. What is the reason ?
  3. Thanks for the help and this thing help me alot but is there any solution that I want to allow people, if they have more than 100 posts then they can post link
  4. Hi, I am here to ask that how I can stop members to post a link. I dont want that user can post a link. There is lots of spamming and others users also posting links in my forums. Is there any way to stop linking in my forum? Regards
  5. Can you tell me the image link which you want to add, because the code is perfect is yours. Or try this again. If not working then I am sorry for this, may be better person will guide you. <center><a href='http://www.mysite.com' target='_blank'><img src='http://www.mysite.com/image.jpg' width='728' height='90'></a></center>
  6. Site link please and also try this <center><a href="http://www.mysite.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.mysite.com/image.jpg" width="728" height="90"></a></center>
  7. Yeah i am looking for this theme for my IPB
  8. Yeah its working fine THANKS. But i have question that how to Separate ANSWERED Topics Separate in same tutorial
  9. there is no option like this Like System and vice versa.
  10. You need to upload the icon in your skin folder Upload icon from (Public --> Style_images --> master) Upload icon to (Public --> Style_images --> your-skin-folder)
  11. Hi, Well i am looking for any command that which will delete all banned members in just one click.
  12. Please give us your site link
  13. Well i am using same and its working fine. Did you check SEND HTML Mails, if yes then make it NO. And also add your incoming / outgoing email address. Hope its work. Other vise a moderator will help you with that.
  14. Guys try this code and its working. <script>var speed=80var hex=new Array("00","14","28","3C","50","64","78","8C","A0","B4","C8","DC","F0")var r=1var g=1var b=1var seq=1function changetext(){for(i=0;i<document.getElementsByName("Rainbow").length;i++){var storetext=document.getElementById? document.getElementsByName("Rainbow")[i] : document.all.highlightrainbow="#"+hex[r]+hex[g]+hex[b]storetext.style.color=rainbow}}function change(){if (seq==6){b--if (b==0)seq=1}if (seq==5){r++if (r==12)seq=6}if (seq==4){g--if (g==0)seq=5}if (seq==3){b++if (b==12)seq=4}if (seq==2){r--if (r==0)seq=3}if (seq==1){g++if (g==12)seq=2}changetext()}function starteffect(){if (document.all||document.getElementById)flash=setInterval("change()",speed)}starteffect()</script>
  15. Yeah i use this and its work, but i didn't try hook. Thanks.
  16. Even i try my admin group, still can update my status.
  17. I slect option Yes, but its still user post their status. Remove Status Update ability: Yes / No
  18. Ok thats fine, but how we can disable that option?
  19. I do, even i change my question after 2 weeks. But these freaking spammers keep registering and posting link in their status.
  20. Hi, I try alot to search my problem on your forum but there is no such topic I found. OK what I am having problem that, I got lots of spammer registration on my forum, even you guys told me to install STOP FORUM SPAM but still having issues. I also put securities, even add question and captcha system, also apply approving system, that admin can approve their accounts. Now they just registered and verified there accounts and keep posting links in there status. So now how I can stop this freaking issue. Google email that my site is doing spamming. So please guys help with this. Thanks.
  21. what about editing /posting issue ?
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