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  1. Sorry to be a pain but could I ask if they would definitely do this for me ?
  2. I am currently trying to switch from 000webhosting to networksolutions hosting but before I buy the hosting I want to know how to switch hosts while keeping all the content from my forum Help me please
  3. http://gyazo.com/d5dead142ddd82dc5b06ddfb0f71de90 Little help on finding that? Everything on the admin page is not working http://gyazo.com/f16aea816b899c9ca1f1b6a6076bd62a I think I might try another host.
  4. From this site, I have tried at least 4 different versions on ipb from this site and the same problem happens. Currently that one is 3.4.4
  5. Well. I just installed an IPB and on the admin panel there is no sign in button and when I get into it with the enter key all the things at the top where you can select for example 'Forums' to edit them, theres nothing there. Also, the register and sign in button isn't there i have tried almost everying i can Pictures http://gyazo.com/8d561bc142d5eb7eb321e4f645d93b7d http://gyazo.com/b1cab42fb142ed912042b71119089caa
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