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Everything posted by dongly007

  1. Hi Guys, Hope this is the correct section asking for help for this topic. If not please move it to the related one. I just wanted to know which site can be the best to get the .png icons for forum icons to be placed in. Anyone have any idea. I searched the google. Didn't get the match for what I was looking for.
  2. No, Friendly URLs are not turned on, what is the benefit of that and the .htaccess file is in correct place Okay I will give a try to that thanks for your suggestion. Will these errors will make the alexa rank down ? Thanks it worked @laracroftonline
  3. Hi Guys, In my site I have restricted guests and members to view some of the forums. So when they are trying to view that restricted forum getting the cloudflare error page as below: Instead of getting this: Can anyone help me on this issue. Thanks in advance
  4. May I know when you are getting this error ? if when you are a guest or a registered member ? I have checked the site as a guest. Yes it's a protected forum so none of the guest can see the forum. But why it's taking me to the 404 page? Any Idea ? Rather it should come like this am I right ?
  5. Hi Guys, I have started my site before 5 months. And go reached to the alexa rank in 499,163 and don't know what happened to site. We are getting regular traffic, we post daily new and unique. we got 136,766 TOTAL posts and daily users registration is near about 15-20 members. Now my site's alexa rank is gradually decreasing it went to 546,642, I am not sure what happened exactly. Is there anyone can help me with this. Might the SEO is not proper as I checked in seositecheckup.com, lot to improve I suppose. Or is there anything else which I am lacking in my site. My site is: http://crackingportal.com Please help me with this issue. We got lot of competitors in the cracking world Regards, Dongly007
  6. Thanks for this latest one I was hoping it all way..Thanks man   This is best than the Nexus one
  7. Hi Guys, Hope there is anyone who is dealing with the good designs. Well Am here in need of a sig. Indeed am not well good in Photoshop. Could anyone help me with this. Needed the sig similar like the below image: http://prntscr.com/4bezrx Its pretty well designed, I liked it The details i will be having is : Name : ~Raiden Image : Raiden Character from Metal Gear (except SuperMan) Designation: Head Administrator Site: CrackingPortal.com I will be very pleased if someone help me with this. Thanks guys, Dongly007
  8. Hi WF Guys, My Site got hacked for which I had to install a New IPB with the Existing DB. After that I saw many plugins had to reinstalled. Unfortunately the Recent Topic and TAGs and STATUS System in Sidebars aint working... Even if I post some topics, the Recent Topics aint coming out in sideBAR and also the TAGs and STATUS of individuals. Really will be much appreciated for your help Thanks
  9. [content moderated - Making non-constructive posts, mini-modding, or otherwise causing unrest] ~ WebFlake Staff
  10. Okay lemme try to that... Well I FIGURED it out by myself...After I signed out from the Forum.. I used Forgot My Password option..were the password was sent to my EMail id and with that password i logged in to my forum and to admincp and changed the password as well as my desire... Thanks guys Hope it will marked as solved for my post xD
  11. Nope i meant now am connected to my old ipb which was hacked by removing the shells and such things which he uploaded...The password of the old ipb got changed to new ipb...so i have to login thorugh now old ipb
  12. thats a great trick I appreciate...Still cant get my old password ( old password in the sense - My site got hacked before..so i cant find the loophole from where he hacked..What i did is I installed a Fresh IPB and thought to use OLD db connected to the new IPB Installed..Unfortunately something went wrong and its not taking the OLD db to open the website...So while installing i put a admin password...then I Trasfered to my old Ipb where my site really is..and after that when site is up with the old IPB thing I Cant login to my admincp) and as you said now to logout from the forum when tried with your trick it shows the new password not the old one..What to do for that
  13. You can provide the Instructions bro...as I dont have Cpanel details right now with me... Will it change the password ?
  14. Even with the soft provided cant see my site listed
  15. Yeah got that settings but damn i cant see my site name over there... to get the password..ma bad time
  16. Can ya tell the process how to get the saved passwords ? am using chrome btw
  17. Hi WF, Is there any chance to get the AdminCp password. Hence, I can logon to my forum as the password is already saved so I can open it. Is there any chance what was my password ? Help will be much appreciated.. Thanks, dongly
  18. Thanks mate for letting me know about that...Is there any Images over here so that I can get it ?
  19. Hi WF, I have been looking for the hook for the reputation bar in the info as shown in the screenshot below: I have been looking for this hook everywhere but cant find though.. Can anyone help here around me with this.. Much appreciated in advance for help
  20. Hi Alll!!! Hows you all... Immense and have great pleasure to be here ... Will learn something new...and share my knowledge here though.... Thanks
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