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Everything posted by dongly007

  1. better to use the bitdefender and Malwarebytes
  2. Hi all, Could you please help me to change the Hide content color as the text goes in white color and nothing can be seen Regards, Dongly007
  3. Hey Supporter, Could you please guide me how to change the Hidden Content Color. Regards, Dongly007
    It doesn't work in the Popup Login Form. Sign In button gets disabled after installing Captcha on Login Form. Version
  4. @Erza Thanks for letting me know that we need to install in manually and I found it Its actually in the Applications tab and we need to install it
  5. I have downloaded the nulled IPB from here only
  6. Can I have the Link for that application bro ? How can I install it in the IPB 4's version ?
  7. Hi Team, I have searching for the below Application or Plugin named "Store" as the below screenshot give: Can anyone please help me with this? I am using version version of IPS Awaiting for your response
  8. It's Better to  stick with 3.4.9 version. Its awesome and flexi

    1. Leventhe


      It is much more fancier this IPB 4. :) Although, you can do things with IPB 4 as well. You only have certain limitations from the IPB 3. I still have to learn how to use IPB 4 properly, but I think it does it's job pretty well.

    2. Lady C

      Lady C

      ipb 4.1 is very good right now unless you are using a specific mod not availalbe for 4 yet!

    3. dongly007


      @Leventhe I dont see much user friendly with ipb4 :( As I there are less mods unlike ipb 3.4.x. Thats the reason I dont like it much

      @laracroftonline Ah I see. But the issue is they are releasing many versions within a month. Thats the thing I hate it and yeah there are less mods for ipb4

  9. Version 3.4.9


    This is a maintenance release to consolidate security updates released since 3.4.8, release additional security updates, and fix some minor bugs impacting many clients. We recommend you upgrade to ensure you have all security updates in place.
  10. ​Hey mate, Please try the search option for searching It will be great and will minimize the time of waiting for the plugin when its already here. Here is the link use it http://webflake.sx/files/file/2372-general-statistics/
  11. Works like charm thanks mate Note sure how it got ON It worked
  12. Hi Buds, The default Images of members are seems to be broken. Likewise the members who have uploaded their own image is not broken Please have a look on the screenshot: Can anyone help me please Thanks in advance
  13. Check this one mate It will help you to track down the members
  14. Congratulations and keep your good work always
  15. There is not any hook like that. This comes as when the thread will be having many views and the replies. Then the HOT topic will take place automatically
  16. Welcome back to the greatly forum and glad to see you back
  17. Okay, Are you using illusion's Nulled IPB ? if in that case you will face many issues. Please mention which ipb you are using ? webflake's or anyone else ipb nulled or retail one
  18. Hmmm I don't think so webflake using font awesome. Well thanks for the topic bro.. Am gonna search for it to make my site more great
  19. It's pretty great. Will try this as well Is there anything like webflake forum icons. Apart from fontawesome ?
  20. Hey bro!! You gotta skype ? I can learn something different from you :) is that possible you can add me ?

    1. Valentine


      I'm sorry, but I don't really have time for that. I'm not that knowledgeable anyways, sorry to disappoint!

    2. dongly007


      That's okay.. I just wanted to have different kinda friends so I approached to you..

      Well thanks broda :)

  21. Hmmm. But am not sure how to color the icons bro. Do you have any idea ?
  22. Thanks bro. Indeed I was searching for icons which is like the webflake forum icons. Fontawesome are like black and white right ?
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