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  1. No luck my friend, if you use myMedia.autoplay(); the sound does not play at all, even when you move the volume bar. Any other ideas? thanks for your help.
  2. Here is what I've done so far, I've created a volume bar so you can increase and decrease the volume of the audio that should autoplay. But at the moment, to hear the audio you need to move the volume bar for it to start playing. What I want it to do is start playing at a certain volume which I've already added in so the user can increase or decrease the volume to which-one they feel better with. So at the moment it all works fine, I'm just not sure how to make it autoplay. Here is the code: $("#volume").slider({ min: 0, max: 100, value: 25,range: "min",animate: true, slide: function(event, ui) { setVolume((ui.value) / 100); } }); var myMedia = document.createElement('audio'); $('#player').append(myMedia); myMedia.id = "myMedia";playAudio('http://atlascorporation.info/introduction', 0);function playAudio(fileName, myVolume) { var mediaExt = (myMedia.canPlayType('audio/mp3')) ? '.mp3' : (myMedia.canPlayType('audio/ogg')) ? '.ogg' : ''; if (mediaExt) { myMedia.src = fileName + mediaExt; myMedia.setAttribute('loop', 'loop'); setVolume(myVolume); myMedia.play(); }}function setVolume(myVolume) { var myMedia = document.getElementById('myMedia'); myMedia.volume = myVolume;}You can go to this url to see what I'm on about: http://atlascorporation.info/ Anyone know what I would need to add to make it autoplay, if you need more information please ask. Thanks.
  3. Hey, I've changed my default avatar for new members which is default_large.png default_thumb.png But instead of displaying the url like this when right clicking on the image and opening it in a new tab to view the path like this: atlascorporation.info/forums/public/style_images/brave/profile/default_large.png The url comes out like this: i2.wp.com/atlascorporation.info/forums/public/style_images/brave/profile/default_large.png Any idea why it does this? thanks a lot.
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