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About nomorekillz

  • Birthday January 29

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  1. hey did you figure out how to fix the address field?

  2. Its weard, when I select default, it moves it to the custom skin selected. Edit: Problem solver, permission were annoying me.
  3. Hey there, I recently installed IPS4 and after chosing the skin, it affected to admin panel, Maybe there is a way to keep the default theme on Admin panel however using the chosed one at site ? Thanks for your time, regards.
  4. I fixed my problem adding a new shoutbox. Thanks for your time. Regards.
  5. I did it but It didnt work. I still getting this message https://webflake.sx/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http%3A%2F%2Fpuu.sh%2FobLNM%2Fd57f0172eb.png&key=74e9450978d9720e44e4c9a18d16b643df07f90d3aa482fe88aa5cbd61627539 Regards.
  6. Well, these are the following stepts that I did. My skin is selected. (This doesnt matters) System/Support/Support/Something isn't working correctly/The problem is not resolved. Later, after it, I enabled again Shoutbox, portal and those 2 plugins. I set my skin again. Then I want to shout at shoutbox, and it drops a message saying: Are you sure ? If I dont get the message are you sure, I can create topics correctly. This: When I want to create a topic. Regards.
  7. EDIT: After doing it, I get that annoying message which say: Are you sure ? And I cant shout
  8. Ye, I think the probelm was solved, thanks so much. Regards.
  9. I did System/support/support/something isn't working correctly. That should be enought after doing the rest of stepts ? Regards.
  10. I have to keep disabled shoutbox always ? Then the members wont be able to use it anymore ?
  11. Hey dear guys, few days ago I upgrade my forum to IPS4 Welll, some guys are experimenting problems creating topics. I got this problem too, but idk the reason. The code that it drops me is: I hope you can help me, thanks and regards.
  12. Hey dear guys, I have installed on my localhost IPB 3.4.6 Nulled, however, I want to upgrade it to 4.x (I downloaded Nulled). I removed all my files except -conf_global.php -uploads -public and I uploaded the files from 4.x Well, now, when Im upgrading it, it request me to insert a License key, I tried to follow this tutorial: But it didnt work for me. I hope u can help me. Thanks & regards.
  13. Hey dear community, I started to learn somethings about mysql and php today. Im trying to use a custom url to unzip x file. for example: http://www.Whateverwebsite.com/uploads/unzip.php?file=FILENAME The reason of this is because Im using a remote connection from a game to download x files to the server. but I cant find a away to to that. I have found this little code ... <?php $zip = new ZipArchive; $res = $zip->open(''); if ($res === TRUE) { $zip->extractTo(''); $zip->close(); echo 'ok'; } else { echo 'failed'; } ?> I would like to unzip it in a folder with the same name. I hope u can help me with this little problem. Thanks and regards.
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