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Everything posted by Kingy

  1. You will need to post a new thread for this, sorry!
  2. Yes, when i say: At the moment, when you're on an active tab, the tab colour is the same, but you would like it to be a lighter colour to show when you're on that tab?The lighter colour will represent you being on that tab. I'll look into it.
  3. I've had a look around and it seems you don't get the full editor when HTML emails are turned off. Try turning it back on?
  4. I think i do understand what you're on about. At the moment, when you're on an active tab, the tab colour is the same, but you would like it to be a lighter colour to show when you're on that tab?
  5. Hi there, Sorry I misunderstood what you wanted. I have looked into this for you, but can't find a hook which you can upload a picture on the topic page, but have found the following: http://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/4835-upload-images/ Basically, you get a page on your forum which members can upload the picture to, and it will generate different URL'S which can be pasted into the topic. Hope this has helped you a little bit even though it isn't exactly what you want, but close enough. I'll keep looking to see if there is a better hook which you can upload pictures from the topic page. Thanks, Kingy
  6. Can you PM me the link to your board so i can register and try and find the bottom of this problem myself as this might be a problem your end and not the site. Thanks.
  7. Go to the following: Members ---> Manage Members ---> Member group you would like to add a waiting time ---> Downloads tab > Wait Period Edit the wait period to how many SECONDS you would like the usergroup to wait. You will need to config this for every user group you would like to have to wait before downloading. (The default is 0 seconds) Sometimes, this feature is used for sites with premium membership as the regular members have to wait, say 60 seconds and premium members don't have a wait time. This is another premium membership perk. There is also another feature above which slows down the downloading speed which is useful for premium membership too as another perk. Thanks, Kingy
  8. Welcome to webflake buddy. You'll be able to use the shoutbox after 2 posts. Shoutbox rules: http://webflake.sx/forum-2/announcement-4-%E2%80%A2-webflake-shoutbox-rules-guidelines-%E2%80%A2/ Community Rules: http://webflake.sx/forum-2/announcement-3-%E2%80%A2-webflake-community-rules-guidelines-%E2%80%A2/ File Upload Rules: http://webflake.sx/forum-2/announcement-5-%E2%80%A2-webflake-file-upload-rules-guidelines-%E2%80%A2/ Frequently Asked Questions: Donator Information: See ya around!
  9. Hi WebFlake, At the moment, as default on IP.Board, when you send a friend request to another user it is automatically accepted, unless the user has changed this in the profile settings for himself/herself. This tutorial will show you how to set it as default that users have to accept friend requests from other users. There are no built-in options for that in the ACP, so you will need to run a SQL query to change the default setting. It will check the "Allow me to approve members before they're added as a friend" check box for every current member and future members on your site. UPDATE profile_portal SET pp_setting_moderate_friends=1;ALTER TABLE profile_portal CHANGE pp_setting_moderate_friends pp_setting_moderate_friends TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1'; Text Tutorial: 1. Go to support > SQL Management > SQL Toolbox 2. Scroll to the bottom and paste the above coding into the box and hit Run Query 3. Query successfully done Picture tutorial: Thanks, Kingy
  10. Personally, I use Gyazo cap or photobucket. https://gyazo.com/ http://s1186.photobucket.com/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Gyazo: Simply download the capture program, double click it and drag the box over the picture you want to use as your avatar/signature. Copy the URL when it opens in your web browser automatically and add .png onto the end of the URL. Go to the forum and click the picture button BBCode and insert the URL with .png on the end and click Ok for the picture to display. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Photobucket: Save the picture to your computer. Create an account on photobucket and click upload. Upload the photo and copy either the direct link and paste it into the insert picture box, or copy the forums link which already has the [ img ]<Link>[ /img ] BBCode already attached and just paste it into the text box, when you hit save/post then the picture should then actually turn into an image. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- To be honest, if you're looking for a high end quality signature, then use photobucket as it will save and upload the picture in the best quality, but personally I think gyazo, or any other screen cap program does the job. Hope I helped, Matt
  11. I've had a look around the internet and the IPB Marketplace and find any better way than the method WishBone posted above. I found a hook that was created to do this, but it was a dead link and hasn't been uploaded to the marketplace. Maybe, one will be created soon, as i am with you, it would be extremely helpful. I also read the option that it has been removed, but has yet to be reinstated into IP.Board.
  12. Those buttons are just built in the skin that webflake are using. (A modified version of Shift) http://www.ipbforumskins.com/premade/shift/ To add social networking buttons onto the header of your skin, i have found the following coding: Step 1. Open your Admin CP > Look & Feel Tab > select skin > Global Templates > GlobalTemplate. Step 2: Find: <if test="canSearch:|:$this->memberData['g_use_search'] && $this->settings['allow_search']">{parse template="quickSearch" group="global" params=""}</if> Step 3: Add Below: <ul class='ipsList_inline right' style='margin-top: 20px; margin-right: 30px;'><li style='margin:0px;'><a href='http://twitter.com/{twitter username}' title='Latest news and updates at twitter'><img src='{link to twitter icon}' alt='twitter' /></a></li><li style='margin:0px;'><a href='http://www.youtube.com/user/{youtube username}' title='View my Youtube videos'><img src='{link to youtube icon}' alt='youtube' /></a></li><li style='margin:0px;'><a href='https://plus.google.com/{google plus id}' title='View our Google Plus page'><img src='{link to your google plus icon}' alt='googleplus' /></a></li></ul> Save Template. Now you'll need to replace where I've stated {twitter username} or {link to youtube icon} with your own social media usernames and social media icons. In different skins you may need to adapt the padding or margin to fit better with your skin. I don't take credit for the coding above. Alternatively you could use ProMenu () and add a facebook/twitter/youtube button onto your nav bar and include a small logo onto the button. Or you could use the following hook to have the social networking buttons added to your site. Thanks.
  13. I'm getting slightly confused. So what you're saying is when you post a topic, there is no quote box, but then when you reply to the topic, a quote button then appears on the first post? Or are you saying the quote button appears on the second post, which it should as the hook only stop the quote button on the first post.
  14. When you post on the topic, does the button return to the first post or the second post? Did you try the application I posted above?
  15. Alternatively you could use IP.Content that pretty much does the same job, you just cannot enhance the buttons as much, but if you're looking for basic navigation buttons then that will do the job.
  16. I have had a look on the marketplace and have found a hook which is what I think you're looking for, removes the quote and multi-quote button from the first post. I have gone ahead and uploaded it to webflake for you. http://webflake.sx/files/file/1397-hide-quote-button-from-first-post/ I will upload this to WebFlake when I get home. Alternatively I have found this from another site - I don't take any credit for the coding below. Go to ACP ---> Look&Feel ---> *your skin* ---> Topic View ---> topicViewTemplate Find: <a href="{parse url="module=post&amp;section=post&amp;do=reply_post&amp;f={$this->request['f']}&amp;t={$this->request['t']}&amp;qpid={$post['post']['pid']}" base="publicWithApp"}" title="{$this->lang->words['quote_with_mq']}">{parse replacement="mq_post_icon"} {$this->lang->words['mq']}</a>Before, Add: <if test="isFirst:|:!$post['post']['new_topic']">Find: <if test="canEdit:|:$post['post']['_can_edit'] === TRUE">Before, Add: </if>Save and repeat for each skin.
  17. yeah, like above, i don't full understand what you're requesting? Are you asking how to disable the quote button on the first topic? And do you only want the topic creator to be able to use the quote button, or the other way around?
  18. Hi Webflake, Just a quick introduction, i'm not going to bore you with a endless list of stuff I'm into... I'm Kingy, I joint own a website with a friend, the topic is a general Gaming/Technology forum and has multiple custom hooks. I've been using IP.Board for a few years now, so i'll try and help out as much as I can around the forums. Thanks, Matt
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