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Everything posted by DarkXess

  1. DarkXess

    Question Search Problems

    Ok so im searching for the term "code" so that I can hopefully fine a better code tag hook but it wont let me. Saying that 4 letters are not allowed and also "code" is a disallowed word. Why is that? Can someone sort out the search or point me in the right direction please? All I am looking for is a better code tag for codes such as php, lua, sql, etc... but if I put "sql code" it only looks for "sql" and disallows it, frustrated here. Any help please? thanks. Examples on what im getting: The following search terms are not allowed and were removed from your query: lua,tagThe following search terms are not allowed and were removed from your query: code ,tag
  2. Wouldnt that disable the subforum altogether? that is not what im wanting to do. Just I want to disable the subforums linked under the category. By then clicking the category you will then see the subforums within. @sp1n I am not wanting to hid the forum mate, just the subforum liked explained above. Edit: no worries guys, just found it: <if test="showSubForums:|:$forum_data['show_subforums'] AND count( $forum_data['subforums'] ) AND $forum_data['hide_subforums']"> Changed the part in red to "hide" from "show" and that did it, thanks to you both
  3. Hey, I want to hid my subforums - NOT on the homepage (forum index) So I want it to be like this: Forum > Category > Subforum. (showing no subforum info at all, just when you click on the category the subforums are there) Not like this: Forum (subforum) > Category > (subforum) > Subforum. I managed to do the forum one a while ago by finding something like "showforum" and I changed it to "hideforum" but I cant seem to find it for the subforums one. Any help please? Thanks.
  4. And if you used a bit of common sense by knowing what I actually asked help for then you wouldntmake such a stupid remark would you?- I am done with asking for help on here anymore! forget it... I will find my answer else where.
  5. Phun, I swear man, I did search! I searched for "status update" and went over all the 4 pages it came up with... didnt find nothing Edit: Ok Phun, just checked ALL your threads you had created and found nothing
  6. Ive looked and cant find the settings!
  7. Hi, I want to change the status updates to just show 5 instead of 10, how to do this please. Thanks
  8. Well if so, how to get to how WebFlake is using it then? And yeah - I agree on the tags, I use the 3d tags globe which is cool.
  9. Em, just noticed that, its new I think - id second having it too Id like to also know what hook is that Forum Statistics too?
  10. DarkXess

    Feedback Foreign Downloads

    Its actually customary these days to not only have multilingual menus but also staff that can speak English. Anyways, this doesnt have to over the top, I just suggested we should use the downloads to have English as the priority language and then anything else AFTER the English has been wrote. Simple as that
  11. Mind telling me where abouts? looked in the hosting root and nothing, also I did a search for both upload_max_filesize and php5.ini and it came up with no results. Would this be on the server side? like id have to contact the host? thanks.
  12. Hey Evarni - its been what now, a month or more since you disabled my PM ability, well yes maybe I deserved it but its not fair that i've had to go without it for so long so do you mind enabling it now? You have seen i'm no trouble around here, yes I had some things wrong in the past "bumping" and so called "calling another member" and then REPLYING a PM to Davlin arguing my reason of being warned! and now its over, I wish no more trouble or arguing with anyone, so please can you enable it? Thanks.
  13. Ok this is weird, I have set my file size to 20mb per upload! BUT its saying its on 2mb. You can clearly see in the picture that ive set it correctly at 20mb and it also says that on the upload page. But anything over 2mb gives me a database error. How its set in the ACP: And here is the front side of my site when you upload you can see its set at 20mb: I have heard there is a PHP file ive got to edit too, is this right? can someone help me please? thanks.
  14. DarkXess

    Feedback Foreign Downloads

    Im not saying we have shouldnt have it or that we shouldnt cater for the ethnic groups within the community. All I am saying is that with the rules stating that its an English speaking only site/forum then shouldnt the descriptions at least be so too. It can be in a foreign language too but surely English should also be added?
  15. DarkXess

    Feedback Foreign Downloads

    May I ask, what is the point of adding downloads with NO English description at all? I am guessing the download is polish with the [PL] in title and some of the words... well is this community suddenly all polish? I thought there was a rule to use English only? well how come that doesnt count for downloads too? I understand the person wants to put his download here but shouldnt it be translated into English also for other people to fully understand what the download is it? Just saying. Anyways here is the link:
  16. Your problem could be linked with same problem?
  17. Try to disable Minify CSS and JS. Sounds strange but it usually fixes problems around the editor wise. If that doesnt work then try this: I know it says "missing editor box" but it MAY be your problem as upgrading from 3.x to 3.4.x caused many problems with the editor.
  18. Go to Shoutbox > Modules_Public > View > display.php and comment out the line: $this->output .= "<div class='desc right' style='margin-top:10px;'>Powered by {$this->caches['app_cache']['shoutbox']['app_title']} {$this->caches['app_cache']['shoutbox']['app_version']} &copy; " . date('Y') . ", by <a href='http://www.ipbworks.com/forums' rel='nofollow external'>IPB Works</a></div>"; Save and your done.
  19. I think that is the "Teams" hook, try and see if that is the one Here:
  20. No No No ... you see, you misunderstand! this isnt at all about the warnings and the personal messanger! the warnings are not about me pm-ing him, its about me bumping my topic and so called being abusive to another member. I sent a pm to him debating my warning and as a result lost my pm function all together - so, you see - you dont know. Anyways, I cant be doing with more warnings or a possible ban so im not going to argue with you, I just want my PM function back
  21. Its not classed as harassment at all. Please do read more about harassment before you go and comment of such thing
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