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Aerie Fall

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  1. That's the problem. While some are interested in becoming donors, it would be nice to allow members to see a list of what's available so they can make that choice to become a donor. It's like being asked to pay for something when you don't even know what it looks like. lols
  2. The skin isn't properly coded for the 3.4 series. If you have no applications, no hooks and no modifications installed, then it works fine. But, if you have anything installed, besides IPB, that error happens. I stopped using it because the Curve and Curve Black skin simply isn't completed. I'm posted inquiries about this but keep getting the same "it works for me" replies with no solution on how to fix it. Someone who is familiar enough with IPB 3.4.3 skin coding needs to fix the skin and update it. I couldn't even figure it out so I stopped using it.
  3. I'm sure he can select his own colors. He's asking how to do that.
  4. If you own a license to IPB through an IPS purchase, I would not recommend removing that copyright. IPS does check up on these things, randomly. Just a piece of advice. I made the mistake of doing that and had to request IPS to add that copyright back in after I purchased my original license back in 2004.
  5. It is entirely possible to delete a warnign. You need to do this through your ACP. Let me find it.
  6. Or you could simply edit the option in your ACP. I don't think it's necessary to edit the skin file as this is an option/feature in the Systems tab in your ACP.
  7. For the text size, that's easy. Just log into your ACP and find the skin you want to edit. When you're there, click on the "css styles" tab for that skin. I'll have to find the exact code that you have to edit and I'll post the code that you need to change.
  8. Nice. Thanks for cleaning up that code. lols
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